FIc: I Dream

Feb 18, 2006 22:34

Here there be the end…

Title: I Dream Epilogue

Rating: From PG to NC-17

Author: V-Gin (Yeah like anyone but me would want to claim to have written this. Bwahahaha!)

Warnings: This is AU, Bam and Ville never met in my little world. And their is some het-groaping and thoughts going on here. Just close your eyes at those parts and repeat to yourself 'She is going to make it all better later in the story.' Also this is not Beta-ed, cause I am evil, do you here me! EVIL!

Summery: Ville Valo lead singer of the Finnish band HIM is being haunted. (I know crap summery, couldn't think of anything else to say)

Disclaimer: I own nothing but a bunch of CD's and a selection of DVD's featuring the boys, I actually know nothing of their private lives. If I did know all about their secret lives, rest assured I would still be posting on here, only there would be no disclaimer at the top!

Links to previous chapters behind cut.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15


Ville awoke with his mouth a dry and barren wasteland, bespeaking of way too much imbibing last night. His tongue moved in a sweeping motion over his chapped lips, trying to find moisture somewhere. At least he didn’t have too horrid of a headache.

He nuzzled into his pillow. He had been so lucky to get it; it was one of a kind. Hard and firm with just a touch of softness. Warm and smooth, with an irregular surface and familiar pattern that Ville had seen often imitated, but never duplicated, and he could trace the design’s contours with his eyes closed.

It smelled of soap and spice, smoke and sex, but their was something else their also, something achingly familiar. Something Ville knew he would rather die then ever go without again. It was a smell that made Ville want to taste, and his pillow tasted wonderfully. It tasted of salt and musk, and as with the scent, something else, almost indescribable, and yet vital to Ville’s continued existence.

He snaked his arms around the pillow, twisting and wriggling to find an even more comfortable position, until he found it, his legs wrapped around it and half lying on top of it. He did mention that it was a full body pillow, didn’t he?

He nuzzled again, his lips brushing across a hard and pebbled area, which he paused at, his tongue coming out to lick at the familiar taste, before his teeth nipped at it and began worrying it. His lips curled in a smile at the deep rumbling noise that came from the very core of his pillow, a sound that could be mistaken for a moaning sort of groan, if one was listening properly. Then the pillow shifted, pulling Ville away from his self-appointed task, and shifting them both until Ville’s hips were nestled against a similar feeling juncture, and his hard cock was rubbing alongside another hard length.

His pillow opened its eyes, changing from Ville’s favorite sleeping aid, to his best friend and lover, Bam, who arched up against Ville, creating a delicious friction. This had of course been Ville’s intent all along, and he enthusiastically pressed his hips down, then pulling back as they settled into a slow easy pace.

After a few minutes of this Bam apparently decided that slow and gentle was going too slow, and taking matters into his own hands, literally, grabbed Ville’s ass and bent his legs to plant his feet on the mattress as to get better leverage.

A low moan sounded from Ville’s throat as he arched into Bam’s movements while stretching and reaching for the closest nightstand, and the necessary item it contained. He groped about for a moment, his hand brushing against the edge of the top, the jerking movement of his body not helping in his search for lube.

Bam rolled them over just as Ville had managed to find the handle of the drawer, pinning the singer beneath him and holding him absolutely still. Blue eyes twinkled brightly as they gazed down at vivid green. “Now Ville, why would you want to go and wake me up so early in the morning for? Especially as we were up so late last night.”

Ville smiled wickedly, Bam hadn’t been asleep for more then a few seconds of his teasing wakeup call, he wouldn’t be so coherent if he had just managed to wake. Damn he was obviously getting sneakier; Ville was going to have to figure out a few new surprises for his lover. “I just enjoyed last night so much I figured I would fuck you again,” he said, managing to garner some friction against Bam despite the restrictive hands holding his hips.

“You just thought you would fuck me again, huh?”

“I did not see you complaining last night, I believe you were moaning something about how much you loved having me inside you…”

“Which is why you’re going to love having me inside you so much.” Bam said as he leaned down to kiss his lover fiercely.

In fact Ville loved it very much when Bam acted like this, more so as it was so different then his normal behavior. It wasn’t that Bam was submissive; he could be the pushiest bottom in the world even if Ville was fucking him through the mattress. It was more that he loved it when Bam would just take control suddenly; it was exciting and really hot.

Ville watched, distractedly as Bam was licking and biting at his neck, while he felt around under his pillow and pulled out the tube of lube. “You little shit, you were planning this weren’t you?” he breathed, unable to keep the smile out of his voice, or off his face. Bam just pulled back and smiled as he removed the lid, and squeezed some of the slick substance onto his fingers. They had finally stopped buying condoms a few months ago, when they both tested clean for any STD’s, a precaution they had taken more for piece of mind then any real fear on either mans part.

Ville mewled appreciatively as Bam slowly thrust one finger inside his body, arching and writhing, trying to get him to go faster. “God Willa, you always look so fucking incredible when I do this to you, it is like you forget how much you enjoy it. It is fucking beautiful to watch.”:

Ville steeled himself to make a witty comment, concentrating on his words, and trying not to moan over the probing finger, trying to find his prostate. “You want to see something beautiful? Remind me to tape you when I am doing this, then you will see beautiful.”

“Kinky Willa. We will have to remember that for later.” Bam’s finger started moving in determined strokes, and he slipped a second digit in with an ease that belied how often he had actually done this. A third finger was added and Bam twisted them while he plunged them in and out, Causing Ville to buck his hips off the bed uncontrollably.

“Jesus Bam! Stop fucking teasing me!”

“I don’t know Willa… How often do pushy little bottoms get their way?”

“All the fucking time! Now fuck me!”

Bam arched on eyebrow at the demand, and flipped Ville onto his stomach, before pulling him on to his hands and knees. Ville breathed out slowly, relaxing his body as Bam pushed his cock head past the tight ring of his sphincter muscle, then slowly he continued pressing till he was fully seated inside of Ville’s body.

Ville trembled slightly at the feeling of fullness as he adjusted to the intruder in his body, and was surprised when Bam leaned forward and wrapped his arms around his chest. Smatterings of kisses were spread across his back, and he shifted slightly adjusting to the extra weight of his lover. “You know what Ville?” Bam whispered between kisses. “I don’t think I am going to fuck you tonight.”

Ville whimpered, unable to stop the noise from erupting out his mouth, as he reached back with one hand and grabbed Bam’s hip, trying to prevent him from pulling out, or away. Bam shifted, his arms tightening around Ville, and quite suddenly Ville found himself sitting on top of Bam’s lap, his back arched like a bowstring, as gravity pushed the cock deeper inside his body.

Bam nipped at Ville’s shoulder before whispering, “Fuck yourself on my Cock, Willa…I want to watch you fuck yourself, while I jerk you off…”

Ville nodded, his voice trapped somewhere below his heart which was pounding madly, in what felt like his throat. His free hand found it’s way to Bam’s other hip, as he used his legs to push himself up only to drop back down. His body surging with pleasure at each movement.

Bam’s warm hand curled wonderfully around his cock, while his other hand rested on his hip, guiding him and keeping him moving when he wanted to just collapse fully on to the hard shaft impaling him. Ville found his voice, half spoken words, moans, gasps and hisses of pleasure falling of his lips. After a while his legs were screaming at the prolonged unaccustomed exercise, but Ville managed to continue on because he was so close he could practically see it… Just a little more and he could spill himself all over Bam’s hand and relax.

It seemed vaguely elusive as he continued thrusting down onto Bam, “Please Bam-Bam…” he pleaded, needing something but not knowing what.

“God Ville. You look so hot right now; I wish we had a mirror so that you could see yourself all sweaty and flushed. If we had a camera I would have to get this on tape so that I could fuck you to the sounds you are making later, while you watch and see how fucking beautiful you look. I need to see you come Willa, Fuck… I love you so fucking much…”

Bam wasn’t one who said that sort of thing very often, expecting others to know and understand through his actions rather then his words, so it always had a strong effect on Ville when it was spoken. This time was no different and his body reacted in the most direct way it could, he came, his muscles clenching tightly around Bam, and forcing him to follow his lover. Both men collapsing back together, sated for the time.

After one too many mornings of waking up stuck to each other, the men had instated a rule, that whomever instigated the hot sex, was the one who had to clean them both up. It was with this in mind that Ville, after a moment to get his breath back, wound up rolling off Bam, careful not to smear too much come on the sheets, to the edge of the bed and blindly reaching down, grabbing the first Item of clothing his hand came into contact with and picking it up. After wiping himself and Bam down with what appeared to be an Element logo T-shirt, Ville tossed the messy garment in the general direction of the adjoining bathroom, and the hamper that was within. He then slid back into his favorite position of half covering his lover.

“Ville, tell me the story about how we met.” Bam pleaded with the persuasiveness of a toddler asking for their favorite book read to them.

“Bam-Bam, you already know that story by heart. You did live half of it.”

“But it’s a much better story when you tell it then what I remember, and besides I love to hear your voice, it is really hot.”

“Well then how can I refuse?” Ville shifted a bit, settling in for the telling of the tale which was usually a good half hour long process in its, condensed, edited, and refined form, but with Bam’s timely prompts, and brief interruptions would predictably wind up taking on a life of it’s own, and they probably wouldn’t leave the bedroom till well after sundown.

But that was okay; neither man had anything they needed to get done today anyway.

“It all started when we realized that we had a ghost in our midst, and it seemed to be claiming a chair...”

The End

~Sigh~ Okay I will admit I am kinda sad it is over. Yep I have finished this story. ~claps hands~ I am so proud of myself. Hope you all enjoyed! And I will look forward to seeing you all in the Sequel! ~laughs evilly, then looks around~ Why isn’t anyone else laughing?
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