Nov 17, 2007 09:17
so many things have been happening in my family life this week. first off, my sister just up and left her husband. they have been married a grand total of 5 months. my mom hasn't even paid off the wedding yet. story is, she met some other guy who came into her work. got wasted, slept with him (my sister has never exactly been known for her chastity...) and apparently he's been telling her he loves her and to leave her husband, and their gonna get married, blah blah blah. my sister told me and my mom this guy is her soulmate. so she finally moved out of her husbands house, moved into this fools house, and there supposed to get a new apartment together in january. my poor mom. she just always wants us to do the right thing, and shes so disappointed in her. as for my opinion (not that it matters) i'm all about going with your heart and being spontaneous, but i also think that marriage is a pact you make with someone, it's something that's for LIFE. because nowadays, althought a lot of people have the intentions of being together forever, it's always there in the back of their mind that they can leave at any minute. they can just get up and walk away. it didn't used to be like that. if i ever get married, which i really doubt i will, i'm gonna go in there with the mindset that this is forever. there is no giving up. you have promised this person till death do us part.
i'm just SO like my mom it trips me out. were the same fucking person. i don't really want to get married, i don't really think i will ever get married. i'm too independent and crazy and spontaneous. i NEVER want to rely on anybody in life, ESPECIALLY a man. i hate girls who have guys buy them everything and take care of them. then guys feel like the own the person, and the girls are trapped, because without the guy, they would have nothing. i want to finish school completely, have my career going and my life in tact before i even think about making a serious committment.
speaking of school, i'm thinking of changing my major. this whole situation is just really weird for me. i've wanted to teach for as long as i can remember. but lately, especially with this new job i have, i've been working a lot with the girl at our work that handles the advertising and i LOVE IT. it's seriously the tightest job, it's so fast paced and there's crazy deadlines and you get to be super creative. it's perfect for me. and my job is starting to see that. it's crazy that i just started there as a seasonal sales temp, and they already extended my time and are negoitiating with the staffing agency to buy my contract out. the HR lady at my work today (i'm obsessed with her, the sweetest woman i've ever met) was telling me that the contract is like an INSANE amount of money. i didn't even know i had a contract ahaha. so she's talking with the ceo of the company, and my direct superisor and all them and theyre trying to work it out so they can hire me full time. BENEFITS! that's all i can think of, i can go to the doctors again! i can get very needed new glasses! i hope they get everything done by january. but they want me to directly work with the advertising department and learn everything about it and i'm just SO EXCITED. i mean, not like my company is some huge corporation where i can be a part of some razy ad campaigns but it's PERFECT for me to learn. it's pretty mellow and slower so i can really take my time learning everything i need to know, and thoroughly. but i made an appointment with my counselor and i'm gonna talk to him about majoring in advertising and the classes i would have to take and pretty much his opinion is he thinks it would be the right thing for me to do. ultimately, majoring in buisness is the best thing you could do, it helps you get pretty much a job in any department, so i know it would be a good decision.
another crazy thing that's happened is my mom's decision to NOT move to texas. O M G. let me just tell you how fucking happy i am. she has been trying for a year and a half now to sell this fucking house. now, our house is BEAUTIFUL so it must be fate or something that it hasn't sold. she is now deciding to sell the other house she owns and move her buisness to our house. shes gonna clean out our garage and expand it (our backyard is huge) and make that her warehouse and storage room. and now that both sisters are moved out we have an extra room, she's gonna make the her office. i think it's a really good decision. i know she didn't want to move away from her family and i know how she loves this house so now she figured out a way to do it. hopefully everything will work out. her buisness isn't doing too good so i'm trying to help her think of other things that she could do and evolve into a new buisness. my mom is a smart lady, and now that i'll be taking more buisness classes i can help her. it kind of sucks though, i was always fantasising about moving away from everybody and starting a new life with just me and my mom in another state. maybe it will still happen someday, we'll see.
it's funny how when i was a little girl, i always pictured myself living alone in a big city. i pictured working long hours in high heels, and coming home late to my fabulous loft apartment. now i can see it happening, and i love it. the epitomy of a buisness woman. i don't need a boyfriend, i wouldn't have time for one. maybe some affairs here and there. i would love it.
speaking of which, i had a dream about mr. scandal last night. he comes by my desk a lot these days. this is seriously a fantasy come to life. hahhahaha if only you knew....