(no subject)

Jan 05, 2006 00:19

Name: kimble
Age: 16
Location: new york, new york
Birthday: march 18, 1989
Myspace link: http://www.myspace.com/5599155
Orientation: bisexual
Single/Taken: single as they get. relationships are for foo's
If taken, pictures:

Five likes: cigarettes, devil springs vodka, hair, ska, sewing
Eight top bands: reel big fish, aquabats, mad caddies, grateful dead, the pietasters, piebald, hole, the doors

Three to Five favorite movies: haggard, documentary on how to rob a house, the doors, coffee and cigarettes, secretary

Two books: the perks of being a wallflower, how to kill a mockingbird
One quote: "we are the dateless losers, lonely until we die, so unappreciated, why why why why?"

Five dislikes: yellow teeth, camel toes, jinco clothing, wiggers, rap
Three bands: NICKELBACK, music on the disney channel, kidz bop
Two movies: spykids, shrek, rudy
Two books: so fucking many

If you could go anywhere in the universe, where would you go & why?: id go the wizard of oz set back in the day, i dont know if its just me, but i would love to trip out and go to munchkin land
If you could be anything for a day what would you be and why?: a top designer, just to see if that is really what i would want to do with my life
Most outrageous thing you and your friends have done?: everything is outrageous
Do you like your family? Why or why not?: (insert picture[s] at bottom if you want.) i hate my family, theyve threatened to send me away multiple times
What is your favorite thing about yourself & why?: my humor, its the only thing i can use to get by in certain situations
What is your least favorite thing about yourself & why?: my teeth
Do you drink or smoke?: yes & yes

Write whatever you want about yourself here:::
This is where we can really get to know you, so spice it up!

i like to tattoo, its a hobby that i want to do with my life. open up a tattoo place and make clothes on the side. but not just for skinny sluts, for plus size ladies because god do i know how it is to walk into a store looking for something unique in my size and there is absolutly nothing but costume granny shit.

Bush: the only bush i support is down belowww
Abortion: do it

Promote in three places, one being your own journal:::
(& show the links!)




im not good at the promoting, so if i need to do it over, someone help my ass out

Make us a promo banner! Show us your creative skills!:

Five or more of yourself:

Three or more of your friends:
(preferably with you in the picture)

caitlin and me

ignore the nipple..IM SORRY

150x200 for Members Page:::
(if cannot resize please provide the picture and we will resize it for you)

cant resize, im slow

Do you want to be a mod?: no i suck at html and everything to do with livejournal
If so, why?:

IM SO SORRY THIS IS ALL FUCKED UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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