Jan 04, 2006 21:36

Name: Sarah Ann
Age: 18
Location: Slag-city Scranton, Pennsylvania
Birthday: 02/06/1987
Myspace link:
Orientation: STRAIGHT, maybe a lil' bi-CURIOUS
Single/Taken: Single :"(

Five likes: Baby kitties, jasmine incense, iced tea + cigarettes, prawn mee
Eight top bands: THE CLASH, bis, Cibo Matto, PUFFY AmiYumi, Joe Strummer & the Mescaleros, Big Audio Dynamite, POLYSICS!!!, Gorillaz
Three to Five favorite movies: Taxi Driver, Tonari no Totoro, Chicago, Westway to the World
Two books: Memoirs of a Geisha (shut up), FRUiTS
One quote: (On going to art school), (It was) "The last resort of malingerers, bluffers and other people who didn't want to work." - Joe Strummer

Five dislikes: Chicken liver, big dogs, elderly requesting booths rather than tables (I'm a restaurant hostess), Scranton TWANG, Rachel Ray
Three bands: My Chemical Romance, Rancid, Rasputina
Two movies: Serenity (I think that's the title), anything DISNEY
Two books: THE GIFT (so sad), The Pearl (Well, the watered-down version that was some reason necessary to go over-and-over with again.)

If you could go anywhere in the universe, where would you go & why?: Japan, dar! I don't know why, really. It's looks a very colorful, eccentric place to travel. I'm BIG into their culture; food, everything.
If you could be anything for a day what would you be and why?: SAILOR MOON! I've imagined myself as a super heroine, Sailor Moon especially, since age 8. It would be an exciting lifestyle, considering, my own is about as dull as Wonder Bread. :"\ Plus; I'd be popular, loved and stuff.
Most outrageous thing you and your friends have done?: Flashed a bb gun at some "scene" kids at McDonald's, I, myself, confronted a racist pig-fluff by punching him in the face.
Do you like your family? Why or why not?: My mom, yes. She's a very intelligent woman and quite hip at age 51. My sister? Nicht-so-much. Very anal, that girl. But I love her, regardless. As for my dad, he's a white trash, Nascar-watching bigot, whom, adores Bush.
What is your favorite thing about yourself & why?: My hair. It's always so shiny and flawless. Oh, and I have some talent. Drawing. I'd say my style's rather unique.
What is your least favorite thing about yourself & why?: Crooked facial features -- explanation needn't be. Heh.
Do you drink or smoke?: BOTH. I'm up to 2 packs daily (of cigarettes).

Write whatever you want about yourself here::: Shy, small, chubby, childlike twat. Dunno.

Bush: RLY NAH! I'd feel even more-so moronic for thrashing upon such a turd.
Gay marriage: The Bible says, the Bible says... SHUT THE FUCK UP! It's 2006. Marriage/relationships of same sex, same genital-WHATEVER should not be relevant in this day and age.
Abortion: I'm pro-choice. However, if used as a method of bc, that's irresponsibility/stupidity on her AND his part.

Promote in three places, one being your own journal:::

Make us a promo banner! Show us your creative skills!:


Three or more of your friends:
(preferably with you in the picture)

Actually, I have none at the moment (just got the Nikon for Christmas).

150x200 for Members Page:::
(if cannot resize please provide the picture and we will resize it for you)

Do you want to be a mod?: Ho-kai!
If so, why?: A lot of time on my hands (pathetic, I know). That's my best answer. You decide.
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