get down with my shoes on!

Jan 05, 2006 22:59

Name: Laura
Age: 19
Location: bad news, virginia
Birthday: july 11 1986
Myspace link:
Orientation: straight with gayish tendencies
Single/Taken: playing the field
If taken, pictures:

Five likes: mountain dew, mcdonalds, gay men, serial killers, book stores with starbucks inside of them
Eight top bands: placebo, the killers, shakira, frank sinatra, the backstreet boys, ludacris, less than jake, brand new
Three to Five favorite movies: anastasia, zoolander, the phantom of the opera, the royal tenenbaums, drop dead fred
Two books: white oleander::janet fitch; blonde::joyce carol oates
One quote: "necrophilia is the greatest thing in the world. even after i'm dead, i'll still
be getting some action. so next to my grave, put a shovel and a sign that reads
'for a good time, dig'." - my old friend katherine

Five dislikes: jennifer aniston, sponge bob square pants, people with bad grammar, sundays, desperate housewives
Three bands: coheed and cambria, kittie, coldplay
Two movies: the fast and the furious, the notebook
Two books: the giver::lois lowry; those damned left behind books

If you could go anywhere in the universe, where would you go & why?: john jay college of criminal justice in manhatten. i want nothing more than to live in that disgusting, crowded, dirty city and to get my masters in forensic psych there. i'm so impatient that i just want to fast forward my life and go there.
If you could be anything for a day what would you be and why?: Jeannie from I Dream of Jeannie. I've been in love with that show since I watched its marathons on Nick at Night every Thursday back in the early 90s when i was like 4. I thought she was so beautiful with the cutest boobs. I wanted to wear that pink outfit and live in her lamp. I had the biggest crush on the astronaut she called master. He was so hot. I wanted to marry him and my best chance of that happening was to be her. But since I'll only be her for one day, I'll just bone him. :)
Most outrageous thing you and your friends have done?: got into a minor car accident. in which i fell off of the said vehicle.
Do you like your family? Why or why not?: (insert picture[s] at bottom if you want.) I love my family. But our fights are brutal. I must admit though that I hated my sister with every fiber of my being when I was little and she was just born. I was spoiled rotten and she came into my world and ruined everything. It took me a few years to forgive her. Now I wouldn't have her as anyone else. Besides, she's a blast to torment.

my sister and i. yes, that's a hummer stretch limo in front of a methodist church that was next to the medieval times in myrtle beach. and yes, none of that makes much sense. that's why we posed in front of it.
What is your favorite thing about yourself & why?: my tits. because they are perfect.
What is your least favorite thing about yourself & why?: probably my inability to drive. I'm in my last teen year and I still don't know how to drive a car. it limits me and makes me rely on others to get things done. I feel guilty when I have to ask for rides (even when people offer) and I pay them inappropriate amounts of money to ease my guilt. I could be spending that money on more important things, like shoes, handbags, and liquor.
Do you drink or smoke?: i drink clear liquors because dark makes me vomit. and only socially because nothing is more lame than nursing a screwdriver by yourself.

Write whatever you want about yourself here:::
This is where we can really get to know you, so spice it up!
Nothing about me is simple. And I want to live forever, just so I can continue being complicated. I have so many goals that may seem unrealistic and inappropriate, but I'll be damned if I don't meet them. I refuse to be disappointed or to be a disappointment. My favorite color is red and it has been since I was old enough to say so, partly because it's passionate, mostly because it's angry. I have a big mouth filled with a vulgar vocabulary, and I don't have that something called inhibition. I forget to think before I talk, act, or dance. Things just keep happening to me, and I prefer to keep it that way.

Bush: he would make the most adorable grandfather, with his quirky sayings ("axis of evil" "appartus of terror" so cute!) and he would take you to his ranch on christmas day. but he's not a strong president. I didn't vote for him. I voted Dean. Yeehaw!
Gay marriage: there isn't a problem here. i don't understand the issue. gay men are beautiful, and girls can kiss better. love has no boundaries or rules. it isn't a science, it's just something that falls into our laps at the most inopportune time.
Abortion: pro-choice because no one can tell a woman what to do with her body.

Promote in three places, one being your own journal:::
(& show the links!)
and then in my own journal when i make an update.
which will probably be some time tomorrow.
i am waiting to upload some photos from my trip.

Make us a promo banner! Show us your creative skills!:

i really have no artistic prowess. but adriana lima is a fox.

Five or more of yourself:

(medieval times is the greatest place ever)

Three or more of your friends:
(preferably with you in the picture)

the last one is from halloween. L to R - victoria gotti, alice from american mcgee's alice (me), one of the gotti boys, and the last two just wanted to wear wings and slutty dresses

150x200 for Members Page:::
(if cannot resize please provide the picture and we will resize it for you)


Do you want to be a mod?: sureIf so, why?: because i have no life/addicted to livejournal...which is practically the same thing
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