Bad Dog: The Hound of the Baskervilles

Aug 19, 2010 18:49

by MsGolightly, deviantArt

Holmes' Best Nail-Biter?

I first heard the story of The Hound of the Baskervilles--when I was around eleven--from my grandpa. My cousins and I were strangely fascinated by it, and I remember it creeping me out enough to make me go buy the story. I read it, and remember loving it, but now I can't even find my copy. Until recently finishing it again, I didn't even remember what really happened. Now, that inevitable sign of aging and maturity has once again presented itself. It was nothing near as frightening as I remembered, which is not to say it wasn't enjoyable, but I still couldn't quite find what it was about the story that had so terrified me when I was younger. Maybe my grandfather elaborated on some detail that stuck with me? Or maybe I had a better imagination back then--uncluttered with the desensitized imagery years of horror movies will induce.

     by ademh, deviantArt

Whatever it be, I had a fun time reading and deducing the mystery, but I found this time around the dominating feeling throughout the tale was an admiration of Holmes. Everybody knows who Sherlock Homes is, and everyone has seen him portrayed by at least two or three different people, but the Holmes in my head, and the Holmes described in the book, is truly admirable. His attention to small detail and quick figuring is something I've always wanted to be better at. As a writer, I have noticed that I do naturally notice and piece together things to try and figure out people's lives, stories, intentions, or pasts, but not to the extent of the most famous investigator the world has ever seen. Is in unrealistic worship? Of course! But those are the best kinds.

by creepingman, deviantArt

19 August 2010

horror, opinion, reading, arthur conan doyle, review, story

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