For anyone who ever wondered:
Love is like cuddling up under blankets during a thunderstorm.
Love happens after work.
Love is more than just liking the same things; it's thinking the same things.
Love in itself is just a word, and has many meanings.
Love isn't always as sweet as candy, but if it's there, it lasts much longer.
The best kinds of love are easy to come by; if it's hard, it's not real.
Love can hurt.
Love is a promise to cooperate and compromise.
Love is the most selfless feeling in life.
Love is NOT Hallmark cards, lace, conversation hearts, or pink things.
Sex and love are close neighbours, but not the same thing.
Everybody loves someone.
Love cannot be taught like math, but can be discovered like science.
Love changes, grows, shrinks, shifts, moves, hides, and transforms, but never dies.
Love is human. Love is knowing.
17 August, 2010