Jun 07, 2011 22:54

o commemorate and celebrate the end of my essay hell hole and the start of holidays (where I have to wait and see if I've failed miserably because I had Issues, and where I am working every week day) until July~~~

☆Interesing notes before we begin our foray into the Wild Rollercoaster Of Emotion that is this blog post:
You can't see my bullet points properly, because my font is tré small

☠ ☁ ✿

(subtle, I know).

Japan's economy is officially in bad recession
Apparently that was the most expensive natural disaster in history.

Al Jazeera journalist recounts detention
Dorothy Parvaz narrates what she experienced while being held in Syria and Iran.
Yeah, my links are waaaaaaaaaaaaay out of date.

Governments force our intarwabs to enable hacking with stupid security flaws

All the Middle East shennanigans.
I find it really hard to keep up with any of this stuff, not having any prior knowledge, so I'm basically now limited so skimming my Al Jazeera twitter posts, and whatever narcolepticnemu throws my way (/the way of the general internet).
In this artcile:
Basically, everyone is horrible, it's all a conspiracy concocted by the powerful and we're all screwed.
You should read the article, it will Inform you. But also Depress you.
And wow, turns out Al Jazeera isn't the bees knees.
Argh oh gods, I couldn't even read the whole thing, it was too depressing. Especially the end.
All international incidents are orchestrated, I hate everyone.

Here is more, about why Al Jazeera has to be dumb sometimes.
(i.e. political pressure and letting some morals slide so they can have funding to keep the other morals from being pummelled into the ground... I think?)

Wow, this all makes me look wonderfully informed and politically aware. It's all lies, I'm getting all the links from narcolepticnemu's twitter (@amnatea) - hope she wants the publicity. Because if I mention her on my blog, who knows what sort of crazy world of fame and fortune she will be catapaulted into. She won't be able to walk down the street without certain members of certain bandshookers offering her smack (that's a drug, right? Or is it snow? Should I just stick with crack? ANWAY, ILLICIT RECREATIONAL DRUGS, PROBABLY) and important foreign correspondant type journalists trying to get her on their evening news chat shows.

(Pro tip, I can make you famous. That's right, any of you five people that read this blog.)

Teachers aren't allowed to be human
Apparently teachers are not allowed to have lives, and if they do, they can be persecuted and taken down by angry mobs of the lowest common denominator.
I don't know if this is the case in Australia, but I'm fairly willing to bet that if some parents were uncomfortable that a teacher at their child's school was odd or gay or once posed for nude photos or, I don't know, whatever these people get uptight about, they could get a teacher fired (probably screwing over their career for life).
What the heck world do we live in where we expect that people in certains sectors of the community are Stepford automatons with squeaky clean slates, zero personality, and not allowed a private life separate from work?
(I probably got this link from finding_jay).

☁ And finally, a thing that is sad, but.... in a good way? It's not depressing in an "I hate the world" cynnical, soul-hollowing way, just sad in a sad movie sort of way. It's a letter from Richard Feynman to his deceased wife. As Joey Comeau put it, I'm torn! This was so clearly never meant to be seen. But it is too beautiful not to share.

The letter
I burst into tears.

☁ And here is something sad and wonderful and inspiring and sort of heart-warming,
Japan retirees go nuclear
(Yeah, that horrible pun-ish newspaper style title is all mine. I am going to a special place.)
Retired nuclear power-plant engineers (and retirees in general) in Japan are volunteering to work on the Fukushima power plant to spare the younger people. (;∩;)♥

And now, ☆ HAPPY THINGS ☆

✿ A boy found a bottle with a message in it after TWENTY FOUR YEARS
and contacted the original sender and everything~~


image Click to view



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a cat and a baby cuddling

This seems to have been circulating again, lately, for some reason. But I win because I was going to post it, like, two days ago.

image Click to view

(=^・ω・^=) Maru, those boxes are too small for you!

(but the great Maru never gives up. That is why he is the most famous kitty on the intarwabs).
In fact, there's a whole article about
The 20+ Best Japanese Cat Videos On The Web
(this blog seems to be pretty neat in general.)

Also, I found this lying around on my desktop:

It's Cake in the PMH (Princess Margaret Hospiital - for children) teddy-bear-ear headband you can buy for charity. It's so cute, I couldn't resist!

✿ Also, in cheerful Cake news,
Today when I was walking back from the shops a cat came up and accosted me.
Like, ran up to me (WHAT???), loved the crap out of me for about a minute, then very suddenly wandered off.



(* ̄▽ ̄*)

I sort of felt like I should be fanning myself and blushing or something, afterwards. Or like I should feel used and violated?
I got kitty lubbs!!!!!!! It was SO NICE ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
But so odd. I actually asked the cat if it was maybe mistaking me for someone else or something (no reply).
(I did have milk and raw minced chicken in my bag, but since they were in sealed plastic...)

Seriously, why do you read this stuff?
Next, I'll be posting lolcats and talking about the sandwich I ate today or something.

Well anyway, let's finish with something positive and non-cat related,
✿ A really cute animation!
I highly recommend watching this wonderful, very high-quality short story.
(I highly recommend going to the original Vimeo source, this embedded window is titchy :\)

Vampire Gastelbrau from Hannah Ayoubi on Vimeo.

ε=┏( ・ω・)┛

P.S. thanks to marxipan_xlii I am officially addicted to Avatar: The Last Airbender
I know, finally, finally. I just didn't think it would be That Good, even though everyone said it was That Good, but it really is THAT GOOD. I'm roughly halfway into season two (and a big Zuko fangirl).

video, japan, politics, photo, link, depressing things, moar kitties, kitties

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