If I were a girl

Aug 19, 2011 10:28

Title: If I were a girl
Chapter: Drabble
Pairing: Onkey
Rating: PG-13
Summary: What will Key do if he were a girl?
NOTE: Will be locked within 72 hours

If I were a girl

I was only a high school student then, but amongst the many things that I wanted, I wanted to be a girl. Lee Jinki is my lover of 4 years now. We’re living together and even go to the same University.

I was known as his best friend to the people who knew me but when they were not around, I was his lover. I couldn’t blame him; the world that we live in judges us. I don’t want him to get hurt and I know he doesn’t want me to get hurt either.

My friend who knew that I was gay asked me what I would do if I were a girl…

If I were really a girl, there would be lots of things that I would do.

If I were a girl, I would hold his hand and walk down the streets.

If I were a girl, we would get married.

If I were a girl, I would give him a child.

If I were a girl, I would hug you tight while everyone is watching.

And most of all, if I were a girl, I would shout to everyone that I love him.

That he is mine.

But I’m just a boy who wishes to be a girl.

“Kibummie” he hugged me tight when he arrived home.

“Jin” I said.

“Why are you sad? Is something wrong? Did someone bully you?” he asked, worried.

“No, I am fine. Just a little tired.”

My wish of being a girl may not come true, but one thing I will always be thankful for is that he loves me even though I am a boy.

“I love you, Kibummie”

“I love you too.”


Note a:
To the silent readers please do comment. I want to know what you think about my fic

title: if i were a girl, pairing: onkey

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