(no subject)

Aug 16, 2011 00:38

Chapter: Drabble
Pairing: Onkey
Rating: PG-13
Summary: “So I can write your name in my heart”
NOTE: beta by succexytop
Will be locked within 72 hours


Today was Key’s first day in college and others wouldnt start to be able to comprehend how happy he was to reach this stage of his life. No more strict father and a mother who likes seeing him wearing a dress instead of pants. He was so happy to finally live life alone and to finally start being independent.

“Excuse me! Can I ask for direction?” An older boy asked him with a bright smile on his face.

“Yes, you can.” Key said as he was about to pull off the map of his school off his bag.

“Can I have the direction to your heart?”

“What?” Key’s eyes widened in shock.

“Directions to your heart, please?”

“Are you crazy?”

“If you call being in love crazy then, I am crazy.” the boy said.

“You’re scaring me.” Key said as he slowly back away from the said boy.

“That’s fine because I’m scared of myself too.”

“Shit. You’re creepy” Key said and he start to walked away.

“Wait!” the boy shouted and Key stopped as if in cue, “I won’t bother you again if you tell me your name.” Key turned around and asked “What for?”

“So I can write your name in my heart.”


Note a:
To the silent readers please do comment. I want to know what you think about my fic

pairing, title: direction

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