AUGUSTA GA - We spent the morning downtown, scoping out such sights as the
Jimy Carter Presidential Library and Museum, the John Lewis Mural, and the
Ebenezer Baptist Church before landing at our pre-paid parking garage spot for the day.
After lunch at the Hard Rock, we went our separate ways: Chad went sightseeing while I went to the soccer match between
Atlanta and Columbus. While the homestanding United lost 1-0, I left perfectly satisfied, having had a peach milkshake during half time.
Then, as I’m getting ready to leave the stadium area after the match, I get a text from Chad that he’s just arrived elsewhere in the complex to take pictures. Frustrated, I stewed for what seemed like two hours outside the parking garage waiting for him to negotiate his way back.
It was a long, quiet, later-than-planned drive to Augusta, complicated by the fact that the front desk initially gave me a second-floor room despite my reservation request to the contrary.