In case I haven't mentioned it before, (I think I might have mentioned it once or twice) I am seriously in love with Foundations!verse. And a big part of what I love about Foundations!verse is the absolutely fantabulous original characters that we meet there. And one of my favourite original characters is Mephisto Marley. I absolutely adore him. So when the first one-shot in Foundations!verse was from his POV, I was over the moon.
I've been looking forward to recording this since the first time I read it. It's just so...Marley! Poor Marley. I hope your creator finds you someone of your own one day (are you listening, Nat?). In the meanwhile, though, seeing Harry and Draco's relationship through Marley's eyes is a wondrous thing, too.
Here's the link:
I still intend to clean up my 4shared folders so that everything is accessible through one link, but in the meanwhile, here are the other links:
Podfic Folder (contains On a Clear Day and a folder for Foundations!verse one-shots.
Foundations Folder Reparations Folder There's Your Trouble Folder (a Spike/Xander fic)
Reparations, Foundations, and There's Your Trouble are also all available as Podbooks at
Jinjurly's Audiofic site, which is an amazing and wonderful resource for those who love audiofic.
That should be enough links to be going on with for the moment.
Wait, no, I have to post this as well, because it entertained me mightily:
Click to view