On a Clear Day Podfic...finally!

Jul 25, 2010 21:13

So, the last time I posted, I believe that I said I was going to be done recording this podfic around Easter. Instead, I disappeared for months on end, failing to respond to comments and generally being unsociable.

All I can say is that work has been a completely monster, and I'm about at my wit's end. Yesterday, when I was closing an Access database, it asked me if I wanted to quit. I shouted "YES!!!!" Not a really good sign, is it? Of course, I was the only one at work, so there was no one to hear my shouting.

The thing that sucks is that recording actually does help me de-stress from work, but when I'm stressed from work I am hyper-critical of anything I do, and therefore have a hard time even starting to record. One of those Catch-22 things.

But enough whining! I have finally, finally, finished recording saras_girl's fantabulous one-shot On a Clear Day". If you've already read it, then I don't need to say anything more - you already know it's magnificent. If you haven't read it yet, then you are in for such a treat!

Part of what I love about Nat's writing is that she writes such full, engaging, complex characters and she builds them from scratch each time. Her characters have backstory, and their experiences (whether we get to see them or not), go into forming their personalities and behaviours. They are different because different things have happened to them, or because they have made different choices. So we have a Harry who is more damaged and bitter, and a Draco who is more impulsive and less contained. And their interactions flow naturally out of who they are.

I absolutely adored the chance to read from Draco's PoV, although I will admit that it was a bit of a tough transition. Truth be told, I'm still a bit more comfortable with Foundations!Verse Draco's voice. But I do adore this Draco: his snark, and his need to make his mark and redeem himself and his family. Oh, and his willingness to sing, badly, at the top of his voice.

Also, Nat provided another delightfully horrible villain ("villain" is actually a bit too strong - "antagonist", perhaps?) in Mrs. Cholmondely (which I am reliably informed is pronounced "Chumley"). She may even have been more fun to read than Tremellen, although it's a very close call.

Before we get on to the link, I've got a few people to thank. First, obviously, is saras_girl for writing this gorgeous story in the first place and to both saras_girl and dannyfranx for beta'ing. As well, thanks to groolover for the lovely gift she made for saras_girl. Make sure you listen all the way to the end, and you'll get to hear it for yourself - it's a beautiful piece!

Also, an apology: to The Smiths, for completely butchering their song "Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now". Nat made me do it...

I'm trying to re-organize things on my 4-shared site so that I can get all of my podfics in one place, but at the moment, the only thing in the Podfic folder is "On a Clear Day". If you have any trouble getting into it, please let me know. Oh, and the fic is split into two files, because it's just a tad bit on the longish side. The whole thing clocks in at just under 5 hours.


On a Clear Day Podfic

h/d, collaboration, podfic

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