I'm not dead...

Oct 06, 2010 23:08

...just floating.

In case anyone was wondering where I disappeared to, I've been around, but in a state of stressed-out non-interactivity. The stressed-out-ness hasn't really gone away, but I've decided that enough is enough so I've been catching up on replying to comments and other unfinished tasks.

One of those unfinished tasks is posting the Foundations!verse podfic that Nat beta'd, oh, in August sometime. (hangs head in shame).

This one is of that tiny little perfect gem of a story: The Art of Slytherin Napping.

The podfic is in my Podfic Folder at 4shared.com under Foundations!verse. This is where all the other Foundations!verse podfics will wind up as and when I get them done. Really, I will get them done.

Also, you may have noticed that it's the busy season for fests and it happens that I signed up for one of them. Glompfest to be specific. And I did actually complete my assignment and post it. More or less on time. Go me!

It's called Watching Malfoy.

Summary: Harry was looking forward to the practical portion of Auror training, but when his practical surveillance assignment is to watch fellow trainee Draco Malfoy for a week, Harry is sure that disaster is imminent.
While this is not, strictly speaking, a songfic, it does rely heavily on I Get Off by Halestorm.

It's pretty fluffy (ok, really quite fluffy), but not saccharine, I hope. Also, there's clueless!Harry and sexy!Draco, so that's the good kind of fluff, right?

There's been lots of good stuff posted for the fest, so if you haven't been by yet, I encourage you to visit!

h/d, collaboration, glompfest, podfic, fiction

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