[Table One] [Meine Liebe] [ Ludwig/Orpherus]

Jul 15, 2007 01:33

Title: Close proximity
Author: Amona
Fandom: Meine Liebe
Pairing: Ludwig/Orpherus
Table/Theme: Table 1, themes 2, 6, 9, 10, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21 and 22
Rating: R
Warnings: Sexual references
Disclaimer: Meine Liebe is not mine, neither are Ludwig and Orphe.

#16 - Crazy like a fox

Lui watched detachedly, not at all worried about the men surrounding him. Orphe jumped from the window above them, landed on a streetcar, jumped from there on one of his assailants, turned around, threw his fist at another. The third stepped back, but Orphe was behind him in a second, twisting his arm effectively.

“Very elegant,” Lui said, clapping. “Enjoyable to watch too.”

“Oh, be silent, Lui,” Orphe said, but not with any malice.

#02 - Fast

Water enough in the dungeon, dripping in from the filthy kitchen above. The smells of roasted chicken were torture for someone who had not been given any food for the last eight days. There was a small flicker of shock in the man on the other side of the bar, as he took in Orpherus’ weakened state, before his face became utterly cold.

“This filth knows nothing,” Lui said to the uniformed men on both his sides. “Just put him up for ransom.”

He played his role well, but Orpherus wasn’t sure how much longer he would be able to appreciate that.

#19 - Just the beginning

How could they adjust to a Europe not at war, when it had been all they had known for years? Lui glanced at the man leaving his mansion on horseback. There was no more reason for Orphe to come here, no more plots or counterplots to prepare.

“You are welcome for a visit,” Orphe said suddenly, turning around. “I… we can play chess next Sunday.”

Lui nodded vaguely and committed to nothing, though he had already decided he would go.

#17 - Years of erosion

So many things had happened those last few years, but Orphe was too tired to be able to put everything to some order. The man watching him, handing him a glass of wine had been a constant. Always grating on his nerves, but always as loyal to the same cause as he was and always somewhere in his thoughts. Still, in all that time, they had never acted on it; the urge to move closer for something not an argument. He wondered how much longer they would be able to keep that control.

#06 - Pushing forty

It was cold this winter, especially in his small hunter’s lodge. Lui had a blanket draped over him as he sat reading in his chair. His dog lay at his feet, providing him some warmth, but not enough. A hand touched his arm briefly.

“Better get your jacket, you’re freezing,” Orpherus said and went to get it from their closet.

#09 - Total eclipse

Even in the deep of nights, there was always the moon, casting some light. There was always the chance someone would see, even here, in the deepest of forests. But now the moon disappeared, full as it might have been. Possible eye could catch no light, could not see naked skin heated by pale fingertips. What happened in complete dark, would not be remembered by dawn.

#10 - Morning dip

The pond near Camus’ rose-garden was not often used for swimming, but on this fine morning two students had stripped and taken a dive. Orphe moved fast, strongly through the water, his muscles enjoying the exercise. His face glistered with drops, his hair reflecting the sun, making him look almost like a young hero from legend. Still, he conceded that if when came to looking appealing in the water, he was no match for the boy several yards away. Black hair moving in long waves behind him, powerful arms moving him gracefully through the pond, he looked a little more immortal than a hero.

#20 - Box of crackerjacks

Camus had been distributing them so happily that Orphe didn’t have the heart to voice his dislike of crackerjacks. Ed genuinely liked them and Naoji got another box out of his own free will, while Camus had told them fondly how he and Lui had shared them since they were kids.

After Camus left for his garden, the black-haired boy came up to him, saying: “You can hand them to me.”

“I appreciate it. Camus might sense it if they were eaten by someone who doesn’t enjoy them” Orphe responded as he handed them over.

“I detest them,” Lui said, but left with the box before Orphe could respond to that.

#21 - Proud as a peacock

“That boy, who is he?” Orphe asked, unaware that he squeezed his sister’s hand a little tighter.

“Ah,” she said, with an unreadable smile. “That would be young Ludwig.”

“He walks… so upright, doesn’t he?”

His sister smiled. “Do you want to be introduced to him?”

Part of him disliked the cold eyes and clear arrogance radiating from the other boy, but the other part was strangely fascinated, so Orphe wasn’t sure what he wanted.

#22 - Sandpaper eyes

It was one of the worst trainings they ever had, pushing through a make-shift desert, with heavy equipment on their backs. They were all supposed to make it through together. Still, Camus was not strong enough, Naoji’s stamina not sufficient to last. Though Ed could hold his own, he wasn’t able to get the extra weight of his comrades attached. So the first thing that Lui and Orphe saw at the end of it, when the sting in their eyes lessened, was each other.

meine liebe, table one, ludwig, orpherus

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