[Table two] [Prince of Tennis] [Ohtori/Shishido]

Jul 15, 2007 12:47

Title: In peril
Author: Amona
Fandom: Prince of Tennis
Pairing: Ohtori/Shishido
Table/Theme: Table 2, themes 4, 6, 14, 17 and 25
Rating: R
Warnings: Sexual references
Disclaimer: Prince of tennis is not mine, neither are Shishido and Ohtori.

#14 - Deadman’s hand

Perhaps he should have known that it wasn’t a good idea to go with Shishido-senpai into a phantom house. But at that time he just thought of the good memories of his sister and him going as kids, not taking into account that Shishido’s temperament was quite different from that of his sister’s.

When they had first seen the Lady in White hanging at the ceiling, nothing happened yet. Then, unfortunately, a skeleton choose Shishido’s shoulder to rest a hand on and found that some tennis players were quick enough to grab it before it could disappear.

Judging by the cashier’s look after they got out, hand carried away like a trophy, they were no longer welcome there.

#06 - Saved by the bell

“So, you’re considering playing doubles with Hiyoshi?” an icy voice asked, with even icier eyes boring into him.

“Well, you see, Shishido-senpai, we thought… coach and me, ehm… to improve my…”

“It’s fine, really,” Shishido all but sneered, while stepping closer in a menacing way. “Perhaps you’ll find that you prefer...”

The bell rang, signalling the start of lessons, making Shishido turn and walk off without another word.

He was saved… for now.

#17 - Redeye

“So, how’s it now that you don’t have annoying senpais around anymore to…”

Shishido stopped abruptly, taking in the appearance of the younger boy sitting on his bed, one eye black and blue, bandage around his knee. Then he remembered against which school Hyotei Junior High had played a practice match.

“I’ll kill him,” he stated simply, before leaving again.

“Shishido-san, please!” Ohtori let out, struggling to follow him, but his former senpai was already outside, checking if he had enough cash on him for a bus-ticket to Kanagawa.

#25 - Rule of thumb

There actually was one way to make Shishido-san shut up. He needed to lie on his back, pushed into a mattress soft or hard. His shirt needed to be up, or off preferably. Only Ohtori’s fingertips had ever made circles like that over his naked skin, ever smaller. Then his thumbs would push into small nipples, drawing gasps, not words.

#04 - One sock

“Lovely,” Atobe had said simply.

Shishido had ignored him, probably it was just a sneer at his slightly out of fashion coat. It had been nothing special either when Oshitari and Mukahi had grinned at each other and cast him a mocking look. Then Jirou had suddenly woken up right behind where Ohtori was standing, pointing with open mouth at his feet, before falling back asleep again. When Shishido saw that the younger boy was wearing one of his blue socks and a white one of his own, he didn’t need to look down to know that he wasn’t the only one.

prince of tennis, table two

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