Cupid/Eros ~ Xena/Herc-Greek/Roman Mythology
Word count: 397
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theatrical_muse I try I really try. Whenever I see an opening for love, I try to fill it; though no one may believe it, I step aside when there are other options available, though it pains me to do so.
Aside from the above mentioning of self-motivated acts, sacrifices, yes, I have accepted them and I will not defend my receiving them. For a petitioner to give a part of himself or herself they think they cannot bear to part with (not to be confused with the animals you see sacrificed; that was and still is for purification purposes and another story altogether…though there are exceptions to that rule as there are exceptions to everything). The words, the oaths, the vows made to secure your wants and needs…do you really think any god will just give something away? There is always a catch, always. It is not that I am greedy, but if I gave out my powers to all who just asked, without taking into consideration, the seriousness and sincerity of their intent, what a waste of my time and theirs. They will not appreciate or worse, abuse what has been handed to them on a silver platter.
This does not affect the random acts when I see an opening, an opportunity for love. Sometimes just sometimes, I throw in that bit of chaos…it is what we do best
…The first person to come at me with a “but there are other gods that we can pray to and receive instant results with no price”? I am sure you two will be very happy in your mutual, short-lived association. Good riddance and I say that with love. Water seeks its own level and that isn’t a bad thing.
What have I sacrificed for love? I am love, as are my siblings and my mother. We have all at one time or other, experienced loss and pain liken to the mortals loss and pain. Unlike some pantheons, we are as you are. We live, love, fight, and we play. We have flaws …but don’t quote me on that.
In being who I am, I sacrifice the knowledge that those who love me, love me for me. I take trust to the highest level when I let someone in and that is all that I am going to say any more on the subject.