Cupid/Eros ~ Xena/Herc-Greek/Roman Mythology
Word count: 240
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Superstition. Are you superstitious about anything? Is someone you know superstitious? Write a ficlette on the theme of superstition.
If it works for the believer then it is not superstitious. If it does not and they still believe, then I have no desire to break them of their irrational theories. That would be more up Dionysos’ alley, unbelievably.
Moreover, to hear tell, one would think that I got a certain upcoming holiday by default. True, many prayed to me, in my time, offered the right things and said the right things to appease me and divert my attentions to their cause…
…Ok, you got me. A little bit of luck in that area, but come on, I am not going to knock it even if it is because there seemed to be a deep fascination with making me a winged erote, cute and chubby for all of eternity. Beats being relegated to the deity “gone the way of the Dodo bird” bin. Doesn’t mean that it does not grate on my last nerve…even if I do like being the cherub every so often. I am grown up. I am!
Some old love adages and hymns regarding love
1. Count the first nine stars you see on each of nine consecutive nights...
2. She loves me, she loves me not...
3. anoint yourself with marjoram before sleeping you and you will dream of your future spouse...
4. Personal favorite *To Eros (Love), Fumigation from Aromatics. I call, great Eros, the source of sweet delight, holy and pure, and charming to the sight; darting, and winged, impetuous fierce desire, with Gods and mortals playing, wandering fire: agile and twofold, keeper of the keys of heaven and earth, the air, and spreading seas; of all that earth’s fertile realms contains, by which the all parent Goddess life sustains, or dismal Tartaros is doomed to keep, widely extended, or the sounding deep; for thee all nature’s various realms obey, who rulest alone, with universal sway. Come, blessed power, regard these mystic fires, and far avert unlawful mad desires*Oprhic Hymn 58 to Eros”... (Toss in an offering and trust me, I will do my job well….like they say, quid pro quo or something to that effect)