Drabble Tree for Japan

Mar 16, 2011 23:11

Go out and look at a tree. It starts up from the ground with a single trunk but then branches out into various sections. We are going to write a Drabble Tree!

http://community.livejournal.com/5_prompts/137758.html" target="_blank">http://i55.tinypic.com/iylo35.jpg" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic">

(I got this idea and some of the explanation from atlantisbigbang and you can see the one that they did here.)

There are three drabbles attached to this entry as starters. To participate, reply to any of the entries with your own drabble. You don't have to post to just the original three drabbles, so that the "tree" continues to grow and flourish and BRANCH OUT! Every drabble posted can be branched off of with another drabble.

Your drabble must be more than 100 words and less than 500 words and MUST INCLUDE a word, phrase or sentence from the drabble that it "branches" out from. It does not have to be the same fandom or use the same characters. The SUBJECT LINE should have the name of the fandom, the characters, the rating so it looks like this: Stargate Atlantis - John/Elizabeth, Ronon - PG-13.

Where does the for Japan come into this?

For every drabble you write (up to 5 drabbles per person at this point or this could get REALLY EXPENSIVE!), I will donate $1 to Mercy Corps (I like the fact that it's already in country to help). You can write your 5 drabbles all at once (you may reply to your own drabbles) or you can wait for other people to participate and write them throughout the designated time set up for this challenge.

Would you like to donate for this as well? I'm definitely not going to say no! You can either start your own thread to this entry (if you decide to do this, please reply to the QUESTIONS comment so that I know you meant to post it that way and it wasn't just a mistake) or pledge a certain amount to the whole total amount. PM me or reply to the QUESTIONS comment and we can talk!

Another way you can help? Encourage your friends to join and post!

This challenge will go until April 6th. When this is done, there will be a complete post with all the stories so we can enjoy all of them together!

fandom: csi miami, fandom: final fantasy, fandom: black bird, challenge: drabble tree, !mod post, fandom: leverage, fandom: being erica, fandom: farscape, fandom: vampire knight, fandom: stargate atlantis, fandom: code geass, fandom: law & order, fandom: merlin (bbc), fandom: torchwood, fandom: doctor who, fandom: moonlight, fandom: inception

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