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Comments 31

Questions or Comments lar_laughs March 17 2011, 05:11:38 UTC
Post them here.


Re: Questions or Comments shuriken7 March 17 2011, 05:18:36 UTC
Just an add on to this, the help_Japan community has a lot of writers/artists/etc. donating writing/art/stuff and if anyone was interested in checking it out or volunteering their own work they would probably appreciate it.

For example my post is Here.

Just in case anyone is interested, there is some really awesome talent being auctioned off (especially from fanartists!).


Re: Questions or Comments shuriken7 March 17 2011, 15:55:10 UTC
I just thought of a question. Can two people respond to the same post so that there are now two stories off the one post to branch off from? I went and check out the other drabble tree and it looks like they had done that. Is that correct?


Re: Questions or Comments lar_laughs March 18 2011, 01:38:46 UTC
Yes, you can respond to the same story so that there are different "branches" from that point.


Leverage - Parker/Hardison - PG-13 lar_laughs March 17 2011, 05:12:25 UTC
The links of the chain that circled her wrist were cold as she stood out under the moon but Parker didn't care. She liked the way it looked when she held up arm, the light from the sky dancing around on the silver. While she'd stolen her share of very beautiful jewelry over the years, none of them were nearly as pretty as this bangle ( ... )


Law & Order, Michael Cutter/Jack McCoy, PG-13 angstytimelord March 17 2011, 18:58:13 UTC
Mike shivered in the cold as he stood outside on the steps of the courthouse, waiting for the media circus to draw away so he could feel that it was safe to leave. He hated scenes like that; and he'd discovered quite a while ago that he didn't handle them well ( ... )


Re: Law & Order, Michael Cutter/Jack McCoy, PG-13 lar_laughs August 20 2011, 18:02:25 UTC
Thank you for participating! Here's your banner!

... )


CSI: Miami, Tim Speedle/Calleigh Duquesne, PG yoursecretsoul April 1 2011, 11:53:26 UTC
"Guess you love your gift."

Calleigh let the scarf drape through her fingers, as she said, "Yeah, I really do, but when am I going to wear anything like this in Miami?" It really was a nice scarf, in various shades of blue and green, and she had a feeling some salesgirl somewhere had been the one really behind the selection, earning a nice commission, but it was not something she foresaw wearing very often, if ever.

"You mean double-knit scarves aren't appropriate for a Miami winter?" Tim said with a mischievous smile. "Too bad, I would have gotten you something else."

"Like what?"

"Hope you know how to deal with freezing weather," he said, handing her an envelope, "because that scarf wasn't an impulse purchase ( ... )


Stargate Atlantis - John, Teyla/Ronon - PG-13 lar_laughs March 17 2011, 05:13:08 UTC
"You weren't supposed to get caught." John leaned back in his chair, irritated beyond belief that he was in this position of having to discipline one of his own teammates. "That's the first rule. Remember? Don't get caught. It's simple, really. Don't. Get. Caught ( ... )


Re: Inception - Arthur/Eames - PG-13 sarahyyy March 17 2011, 06:59:20 UTC
“Where are you heading to after this?” Eames asks, getting off the bed on shaky legs. He is careful not to brush against Arthur but allows his eyes to linger on Arthur as Arthur dresses up, fastening up each button meticulously.

Arthur shrugs. “Venice, maybe,” he murmurs as he bends down to retrieve his tie from where it lay on the floor. “Or I might go back to Malaysia to take care of unfinished business.”

Eames snorts. “Don’t push your luck, love. You barely got out of there alive.”

“That was not my fault.” Arthur turns to scowl at Eames. “Just because you got me out of Malaysia unscathed doesn’t mean that you get to mock me.”

“I wasn’t mocking you,” Eames tells him with a roll of his eyes. “You’re being oversensitive.”

Arthur’s scowl deepens but he doesn’t say anything.

“Do I even want to know where you’re going next?” Arthur asks when Eames passes him his jacket ( ... )


Merlin- Arthur/Merlin- PG wldcatsprstr_14 March 17 2011, 23:29:32 UTC
“Don’t get caught.”

Those words.

The only words he’d heard from the Prince when he’d woken up to find Arthur looming over him where he’d been sleeping slumped over Gaius’ workbench, his head pillowed on his magic book and Arthur's breeches mending themselves on the table in front of him. Then Arthur had turned and strode from the room, leaving Merlin with his heart pounding in his chest and a million explanations balanced on the tip of his tongue.

“There is no guarantee that I can protect you if any of the knights accuse you. So if you do anything, make sure that they don’t see.” Those words ( ... )


Moonlight, Mick/Josef, PG-13 angstytimelord March 18 2011, 14:20:08 UTC
Mick blinked, looking down at Josef in amazement as the man in his arms murmured in his sleep.

Those words. The words he'd wanted to hear so often from his lover, the words that Josef rarely said even though Mick knew that he felt them. Words that meant everything to him, words that he knew he would never take for granted because it was so rarely that they were spoken. They might be only words, but those words were what he needed to hear from Josef to reassure him that the two of them were as close as they could possibly be.

He shouldn't need words. It should be enough for him to simply know that Josef loved him, enough to know that this man belonged to him. It should be enough to feel in his heart and soul that Josef was his, that the love they shared would go on for eternity, that it would never fade away or die.

That should be enough. But hearing those words could only add to the overwhelming intensity of the love he already felt for the man in his arms. Knowing that Josef felt what he said and actually hearing him say it ( ... )


Farscape - Aeryn - PG-13 lar_laughs March 17 2011, 05:13:56 UTC
The last thoughts that ran through Aeryn's mind as she died under the icy waters were simple. I'm going to die on land instead of up in the sky like I'm supposed to and I can't frelling believe that frelling John Crichton frelling killed me. She knew she should have been thinking something along the lines of how sad she was to be losing John after she only just realized how much she loved him, but she'd gotten that all out of the way with her last words to him.

Now she was just pissed. And cold. So cold. Her arms and legs weren't obeying her commands to keep moving. The chair was becoming saturated and all the buoyancy that she'd hoped to take advantage of was leeching away with every second that she stayed in the water.

This is the time for miracles, she reminded herself. The ship would come and save her. Zhaan would find a way to get her out of this or D'Argo would shoot someone or John would come to his senses and save her. John... would... save ( ... )


Vampire Knight - Zero - PG-13 shuriken7 March 17 2011, 05:26:30 UTC
I am going to die.

That was the only thought that ran through Zero's head as the vampire woman came towards him, his eyes wide. He had run outside ahead of his parents, sensing something that should not be there. The Hunter blood in his veins ran strong. She was beautiful, she was elegant, she was walking death.

Tears ran down her face as she took him in his arms. In an almost motherly way she embraced his small body, putting her lips close to his neck. He heard his parents running out. His mother's voice calling for him, begging the vampire to stop.

She didn't. She sank her fangs into his neck and all of the world went white with pain. He vaguely felt himself being thrown to the side. Conscious enough to see his parents be killed, torn to shreds before him. He stayed conscious long enough to see his twin's smile, as Zero's world ended.


Moonlight, Mick/Josef, R angstytimelord March 17 2011, 16:49:41 UTC
Mick could remember what it had felt like when Coraline had turned him. He hadn't expected it at all; it had come as a complete shock to realize that the woman he'd married, the woman he had thought he was in love with, came complete with a set of fangs.

He could still remember how it had felt when she sank her fangs into his neck and all of the world went white with pain. There had been the sensation of swooning, of feeling that he was floating; he had known beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was going to die, but for some strange reason, it had felt good. He hadn't seemed to mind dying; it was almost as though some part of his mind had embraced the thought.

He hadn't wanted to fight that sensation until it was far too late. He had been too weak, too far gone, by the time he had realized what dying would mean. He would be far removed from the life he had known; he would never be human again. He would be completely different, forever changed, with no way back to what he had been before ( ... )


Doctor Who, Tenth Doctor/Ten.5, PG-13 angstytimelord March 24 2011, 16:18:31 UTC
Jamie gasped as he floundered in the cold waters of the sea, trying desperately to keep his head above water. Why had he come out here, anyway? Why was he in the water instead of standing there on the beach, next to the Tardis, waiting for his ultimate fate to be decided as though he had no choice in the matter ( ... )


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