Title: Little Sister
Author: Klaus Schilling
Rating: PG-13
Fandoms: iCarly,Zoey 101,Drake & Josh,...
People: Carly Shay--Dustin Brooks, Fredward Benson--Samantha Puckett, Newel Papperman--Magic Malika,...
Summary: Malika's curse turns Carly into a baby. Spencer, Sam, and Freddie have to care for her until she is restored to teenage
author_abz wrote in
Sep 06, 2010 02:27
Title: Something Like That
author_abzRating: PG13/T
Characters/Ship: Sam/Spencer
Length: 322 words
Note(s): It's been done before, but I wanted to do it, my way. Also big thanks to
empress_nikki for being the only one to respond when I was looking for criticism (even though she doesn't like Sam/Spencer).
Summary: Sometimes it's not about protesting too much,
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hamimifk wrote in
Aug 20, 2010 04:46
Title: Carly White and The Wicked Queen's Demise
Fandom: Crossover - iCarly/Snow White (Disney version)
Pairing: Carly/Sam
Characters: Nevel as The Wicked Queen, Spencer as The Magic Mirror, Carly as Snow White, Freddie [credited] as the Seven Nubs, and Sam as... Sam. xD
Prompt: Fantasy & Supernatural: Fairy Tale @
au_bingoRating: PG13
Medium: Fic and art
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thegraduate09 wrote in
Aug 16, 2010 04:13
Title: (santa baby) there's one thing i really do need
Author: thegraduate09
Fandom: iCarly
Pairing: Sam/Carly
Rating: T-ish
Summary: She didn't expect such cliche lines. Well, she didn't expect any lines at all, but still.
Author's Note: This... this has been screwing with my head for a week. I am so glad it's done. Majority of the story takes
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schilling_klaus wrote in
Jul 28, 2010 19:21
Title: Brother's Keeper
Author: Klaus Schilling
Rating: PG-13
People: Carly Shay/Dustin Brooks, Spencer Shay/Zoey Brooks, Freddie Benson/Sam Puckett, Nevel Papperman/Megan Parker, and many many many more.
Summary: Dustin gets turned into a baby in order to please his elder sister. Only Carly's kiss may restore his teenage,
finkpishnets wrote in
Jul 04, 2010 07:47
These Hit and Run SensationsAuthor:
finkpishnetsFandom: iCarly
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Sam/Freddie (obligatory Carly/Freddie)
Spoilers: For ‘iSaved Your Life’ and any/all episodes before it, I suppose.
Word Count: 1905
Summary: Freddie gets hit by a truck saving Carly and Sam freaks out. Coda to ‘iSaved Your Life’.
A/N: For the
hs_bingo prompt ‘making out’.