Sup, homeslices? I'm still here, by the way. I wasn't going to bother posting this but then I was like, why would I still "run" an iCarly comm and not post it??
Cruise ControlAuthor: mizufae
Pairing: Seddie
Rating: T
Summary: Seddie roadtrip down the coast. Deliberate role-reversal. Chapter 6 is a little hinky!
Warnings: omg innuendo about Freddie's crotch? Original character invention, pointless dramz, spooning.
Additional Notes:
I know, I know, it's been FOREVER AND EVER. Deal with it. Anyway, I was recently inspired to finish off this chapter, and yes, I do plan on finishing the whole story EVENTUALLY, I swear. This chapter is ridiculously long and involves Sam's mysterious plan for room and board while they're in San Francisco, and the psuedo-resolution of the shenanigans that happened that morning with the TRAUMATIC BEE STING OF ALMOST DEATH. If you read this and think the rest of the story is going to be happy funtime fluff, by the way, you're reading it wrong. Please leave me a review if you like and let me know what you think. I'm detached enough from fandom to admit freely that reviews are like CRACK and although, yes, I will continue to write it even it it turns into radio silence, I'm far more likely to keep chugging on through if I know I have an audience.
Okay, back to your regularly scheduled nothing! *waves*