Apr 09, 2008 09:25
Misery, thy name is sinus headache. Or so I thought the earlier part of last week. That was the worst headache I've ever had. It occurred immediately after I received two new prescriptions from the ENT specialist. I think the nasal spray dried my sinuses too much and I couldn't tolerate the lovely side effect of burning. I'll take the sinus pressure over flames shooting through my sinus passages any day. Also, my co-pay for these two prescriptions would cost me $840 a year. Well, that's not happening. I bought some OTC Zyrtec and generic nasal spray and my nose already seems better. My sinus CT-scan was clear and next week is allergy testing if I don't postpone it.
So last week I thought misery was that evil sinus headache but no, I'm sure whatever I'm suffering with now is worse. Be it the flu or a debilitating cold, I feel like a pile of crap. My ribs hurt when I breath and feel like they're breaking when I incessantly cough. Everytime I swallow my throat closes up and it feels like lit matches are being rammed in my ears. But my nose is okay. Everything else hurts, it sort of feels like the flu. I'm taking 800 mg Motrin which is not relieving the pain at all. I'm going/crawling to the doctor in a few minutes. I didn't shower (I don't have the energy) so maybe they'll see how bad I look and take me in sooner.
Yesterday my brother was admitted to the hospital under the care of nephrologist for hypokaliemia. My brother had been getting weaker to the point of not being able to walk. Lab work showed his sodium, chloride, and potassium levels were dangerously low. The doctor is aggressively treating this with IVs/meds to correct this electrolyte imbalance. My brother also is sick with a terrible cough and has been throwing up. He will also be seeing neurosurgeon regarding his recent CT brain scan and EEG. I'm guessing he will be in the hospital for several days. I've long suspected he's had more health issues than we've known so I'm hoping we can find out more. The doctors seem to be good ones.
I took him to be admitted yesterday to a hospital 45 minutes away but by last night, I was feeling so bad I coudn't drive. I don't think I've ever been so sick I couldn't drive before but I just knew I couldn't this time. My dad brought my son over to the hospital to drive me home. On our way home, my son received a call about one of his friends having an auto accident. He had flipped his truck. I think he's okay but is bruised badly and has some broken bones. My son would have been in that vehicle if I hadn't called him to come get me.
This morning my cousin from SC called to tell me my uncle had been to the hospital last night with a heart attack. He's the one who was admitted to the hospital here on the day of my uncle's funeral. I guess I need to tell my mom this before I go the doctor. Hope she takes it well. Last week when my sister took her to the doctor, we discovered she had stopped taking her Zoloft. Not under the doctor's supervision, mind you. She just decided she didn't need it anymore. I beg to difer, lady.
I'm going now. Just thought I'd update to make everyone feel better by comparison. *g*
ETA: The doctor says I have a 100+o temp, sinusitis, pharyngitis, otitis media (fluid in the ears), and almost-bronchitis. I was given a shot in my arse and a bunch of prescriptions. Whoa! on the woe already.