But first, updates on my 10th Doctor costume. I realised today that what would really make it is some 3D glasses. That'd be real nice. (If hard to walk round in.) Also, for a performance bit, since I never have one for the costume contests, and they really like those, I can make a psychic paper wallet and write something like "Costume Contest Winner" on it, and show it round. I think the Doctor Who fans in the audience would appreciate that.
I found 3D glasses here:
http://www.sciplus.com/singleItem.cfm?terms=11631&cartLogFrom=SearchI do so love American Science and Surplus.
Anyway, it was otherwise a crappy day, besides my brilliance there. Firstly, I got to work late, I mean, I always do, but later than usual, and got yelled at. As far as I'm concerned, they're lucky I show up at all. The way they treat us for what they pay us, they're lucky ANY of us show up. And I do more work than most people, especially now, and so just be glad I didn't call out. Let's not even mention the hypocrisy of the manager who confronted me being the one to do it, since he's always late.
And the day just went downhill from there, involving much rage, much frustration and much misery. I think a good chunk of it is thanks to War of the Hormones, Month 2. I mean, let's just mix period-moodiness with second-puberty-moodiness, why don't we? You can bet it's only gonna get rockier from here on in. Still, it was a miserable day and I spent most of it sulking and angry. For the first time in a few weeks, my jaw was KILLING me. At one point, I also had the pleasure of a pain so sharp, so intense in my shoulder that it literally took my breath away for a minute. It was like all the misery and all the physical pain that has been held at bay for the last couple weeks just came crashing back today, and I'm not seeing much hope for tomorrow, either. *sigh* I'll try to get back in better spirits. Tomorrow's a morning shift, though, so I can't say as it'll be easy. At least I have Monday off. Although I have NO idea still if I have dance class that day or not.
At least I came up with a couple good costume ideas out of it. I'll have to visit that jacket at some point and see about the shoulders. I'll also have to come up with an appropriate tie. Thankfully, he has the good grace to wear a few ties and a few outfits with no tie so that I can at least have a choice of what to imitate.
Oh yeah, there're the shoes too, I spose. Forgot about that.
Unfortunately, I think the 5th Doctor costume will have to stay mothballed (so to speak) for a while yet. The pants are too big still (which is good), and I've not got the energy to deal with smallening them. (Yeah. I said "smallening". I have no idea why I made that word up, but that's what popped into my head, so I typed it. Thank you very much.)
Someday... someday when I can sew properly, I will make a Sixth Doctor jacket. I will. Someday. It will happen. Just not yet.
Hopefully tomorrow will be better.