He is awake...

Sep 09, 2006 01:20

...And you shall worship him.

Yeah, okay, so I'm watching The Impossible Planet, and that totally seemed like a good opening line for an LJ post. I don't know why.

I'm back home, now. Home from the mate's. Got a long day ahead of me and I'm not in bed when I should be, seeing as I slept in so bloody late today. Nevermind that I didn't sleep particularly WELL... so I'm tired, but oh, the drive to have time to myself, it is so strong. I have to say it's a bit easier now that my brother's gone to college. Fewer people in the house, mucking about, you know. And the parents tend to go to bed early. Well, except for those nights when my dad insists on being up later than any parental unit should be allowed to. Still. Can't say as I really miss the little bugger that much. At all? Maybe a tiny bit. He would have been useful to get Doctor In Distress into digital format. It's not like I particularly miss hanging out with him or anything. We weren't ever that close.

Listened to the first disc of Feast of the Drowned on the drives to and from the mate's. Pretty good, pretty gripping. Wonder what all they cut out of it to abridge it, since it's not one I've read yet. Think it's in my next order of books, which is taking MUCH longer to arrive than the last round. Grrr. I have to say, I'm just overly captivated listening to Tennant. I mean... it's David Tennant for god's sake. The story reminds me quite a lot of Deep Blue, a Fifth Doctor book I'm particularly fond of. (Fifth, Tegan, Turlough to be precise... not a bad reason for it to be one of my favorites in and of itself... but it's also a gripping read.) "Infection" in the water, spreading and hopeless and all that. I'm sure there are other Doctor Who stories similar too, since infectious water is pretty creepy.

"Oh, did you have to? 'No turning back', that's almost as bad as 'Nothing could possibly go wrong'!"

The Doctor just said that, in Impossible Planet. Good line, you know. It's true. He ought to listen to his own advice, though, and stop saying there's nothing to worry about, since that almost inevitably brings down the big bad.

I've got a persistant, annoying, growing patch of acne on my chin. *sigh* More hormone troubles, I suppose. I think I will have to ask about it at my doctor's appointment, which is coming up in a week or two, I believe. It's just embarassing to have acne at my age. Not that I'm old or anything, but I was supposed to outgrow this years ago, and I never did, and now it's worse again. I hate that, I just hate it. And of course, I feel powerless against it, which is no fun at all.

My mom has Feng Shui water. This amuses me, and frightens me. It's in this funny little ceramic spray bottle. It's 'lightly perfumed'. It's supposed to clear out badness or something. I have no idea, but the bottle is sitting right next to me, reminding me of how crazy it is.

Honestly, I think she's gone a bit crazy. Her brother dies, her son leaves for college, and her other child is having a sex change. Spose that might drive anyone a bit mad, but seriously, she ought to get a grip, here. It's not just the Feng Shui water, it's all these little things, that just add up...

I have a feeling I'd meant to talk about something else tonight, but I can't for the life of me remember what it was...

health problems, david tennant, transition, psychology, doctor who, family

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