Title: I Stole A Time Lord Artist: jigglykat Rating: G Fandom: Doctor Who Characters: Idris, the Doctor in all of his incarnations Disclaimer: Not mine. Warning: Big pic! Spoilers: Through S6
The Facebook Doctor Who page has been showcasing a different Doctor each week over the gap between the two halves of series 6. I took the oppourtunity to brighten my fb with a matching scribble for each Doctor so far (although I'm one ahead)
tardiscrash requested "Nothing shippy unless it's Five/Ainley!Master". This isn't exactly that, but while this was stewing I happened to surf YouTube to an excerpt from ... well, that'll be obvious behind the cut. The Master's fantasy is derived in spirit from ( Lou Reed's Perfect Day )
My latest commission features not one, not two, but three and a half people, with a car and background! Shenanigans are afoot in the Third Doctor's garage!
Hey ya'll. I know it's been a while, but school and work have been keeping me busy. As soon as I'd heard about Lis I wanted to make something. This is what resulted.
My latest commission is unusual subject matter for me, but might be a welcome change for some folk, and it definitely begins to round out my lineup of Doctor Who images!
Out there in wide world of lj the Third Doctor has been having an adventure in the style of Norman Hunter's Professor Branestawm. (fantastic fic link here)The charecter was first illustrated by the genius that was W. Heath Robinson. I don't pretend to be anything near his abilities but I took a shot at illustrating the fic, in a slightly spoilery
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