Title: I Stole A Time Lord Artist: jigglykat Rating: G Fandom: Doctor Who Characters: Idris, the Doctor in all of his incarnations Disclaimer: Not mine. Warning: Big pic! Spoilers: Through S6
The Facebook Doctor Who page has been showcasing a different Doctor each week over the gap between the two halves of series 6. I took the oppourtunity to brighten my fb with a matching scribble for each Doctor so far (although I'm one ahead)
tardiscrash requested "Nothing shippy unless it's Five/Ainley!Master". This isn't exactly that, but while this was stewing I happened to surf YouTube to an excerpt from ... well, that'll be obvious behind the cut. The Master's fantasy is derived in spirit from ( Lou Reed's Perfect Day )
This is my image for the Terrible Zodin fanzine. 11 of the Doctor, 11 of his companions, 11 ways to music. My first time doing several of these folks, but I am so pleased with the final. I hope you enjoy it!
And uh, I may have taken part of the inspiration from the challenge titles here, so thanks for that too!