Well, it's been a long time since I posted; over 3 months. I think it's about time I updated something.
My life, for the most part has been pretty decent. Good friend, Good family, GREAT GIRLFRIEND, fun parties, ect. Thought I'd just jot down, point form, some of the moments that stand out over the past 3 months.
-Worked for Linear Grain out in Rignold, Manitoba unloading bean trucks for 2 months. The bean trucks basically stopped coming about the 15th of October, but I stayed on until the 20th of November. In that time I finished 5 novels and played so many games of cards that I will have to be drunk, or on the verge of getting drunk, to pick up a deck of cards again.
-Banjo Bowl. For anyone of you who remember me telling you about this weekend, it was memorable to say the least. Got drunk, chopped across the chest by my Uncle's drunk friend Rick who has a body type that resembles a refridgerator. It hurt, but it was also pretty cool. Went to the Palimino Club for the after party and as we were standing in line at the back door I started demanding Rick chop me again after a few mins of taunting him relentlessly(he even brought in a girl to hit me 3 times in the stomach to see if I would shut up about it; I didn't) he finally gave in and PUNCHED ME, right in the left nipple. I flew back 4 feet into the side of a parked car, leaving a dent as wide as my shoulderblades. I got up dusted myself off, took one look at the car, shook Rick's hand and called it a night. I still wonder about the look on the guy's face that owned that car when he came out of the bar to leave later that night. Oh well, serves him right for leaving it parked right next to the line.
-Thanksgiving Weekend. Took Holly to my Aunt and Uncles to see the greatness that is my extended family and let her hear our outstanding dinner conversation that usually ends up on Toilet Humour. I'm pretty sure I didn't scare her away. Next day at her parents was more downtime as we watched the Bombers whip the ever lovin' crap right out of the Lions. I glared at her everytime Milt Stegall scored a Touchdown, but I still would have rather been there with her.
-Progressive Conservative Annual General Meeting. Got into a big argument with a woman named 'Destiny' over her not letting the PC Youth have a cut of the wine sales because it was too profitable and then turning the whole operation over to the convention centre because she didn't have enough volunteers after the Youth refused to do it for free. It was enough to drive this boy to drink, although I probably would have drank regardless. Got hammered, did a shot of JD with the Deputy Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, Got in a 'who has the better butt?' debate with 2 girls, me or this other guy, in front of the President of the Conservative Party and a hospitality suite full of people(I won). I then passed out in the 4th floor hallway of the Delta Hotel in a $500 suit while talking to Holly on the phone. I was apparently there for a while as people stepped over my prone carcus to get into the party. Good times.
This weekend will include more partying Friday night at the Gay Bar, Desire, for my cousin's Red River Communication's Social; Hopefully not as gay as it sounds. Then Saturday will be spent at an all day conference on Civil Liberties in Canada, again, hopefully not as gay as it sounds lol.
Maybe I'll start posting more often, but not bloody likely, haha