Reality Check

Aug 29, 2013 01:19

I know less than Jon Snow.

It has been an awful day. I had a conversation with Russ about my life and he said a lot of things that cut deep. But the horrifying thing is that he is totally right.

I am not doing well at this whole life thing. I haven't been in years. And honestly, while I feel significantly better emotionally living on my own. I'm not at all good at it. I'm not good at saving money, or remembering to do things or keeping simple things in my house.

I don't even have TRASH BAGS. And as a result of that I haven't taken out the trash.

I have to step up or things are going to go poorly for me. But the thing is, I'm not even really sure how to. There's so much that I've never had to deal with before and its all immensely overwhelming.

I just don't know how to do anything, I feel like I never did.

depression, decisions, college plans, #hopes dreams and other nonsense, #high school graduate, #oh yes i do reflect, love, anxiety, #people just don't understand, life, #having a job, #what is my life, loneliness, #what is wrong with the world today, academics, #college acceptance

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