Apr 30, 2015 20:56

I'm shocked at myself, at how upset I am about everything going on here. Listening to all the rhetoric, all the cruel and biased statements, all the anger, all the self-righteousness. I'm angry about conflicting things; I'm angry from two sides. I'm angry about all the words words words words declarations from people who are saying "What I would do is ..." and "If I were them I'd ..." when they all have the luxury of never, ever, as long as they live, ever having to really KNOW anything about what they're speaking. Never. Doesn't matter how much time passes, they will never be able to walk in the shoes of the people against whom they are railing and spewing vitriol and declaring how much better they themselves could handle it, live it, overcome it. And on the other side, fifty years, FIFTY YEARS of struggle and building and now, here we are, being looked down on as a people AGAIN. I'm angry about the double standards which so many claim don't exist. (Yet, no matter how many neighborhoods and vehicles angry white youths destroy because they didn't win the big game, I've never heard them called thugs. Never. No, they're just unruly. You know, kids will be kids). But for us, although the average person will live to 70 or 80 or 90 years old, black youths deserve to die before they've reached 20 for the same offenses for which white youths will never receive anything but a mild chastisement. But you know, that's just my perception and, of course, it's wrong. Angry black woman, right?

It's making me sick. From all sides, it's making me sick. We need to admit that there will never be honest conversation about some things in this country because the people who need to engage in it simply don't want to hear an uncomfortable truth. And we need to admit that there is no bad behavior which will bring change. No peace, no progress. Martin Luther King knew that.

No peace, no progress.

Of course, when there's peace, how do you get anyone to listen?

There is no answer. This is not something man can fix. We need to admit that this is all above us. We have proven that man cannot rule himself. Look around the globe. God said we couldn't and we can't. And personally, I could give a shit about people who don't believe in God. I know what I know. And I know that my life and the life of my family is peaceful and calm and quiet and full of joy ONLY because we prayed and prayed hard through all of our family life. That is the only reason we aren't suffering many of the things others are suffering.

God, if you ended it all right this instant, I wouldn't be mad at you.

shaking-my-head, the-news, family, god-and-me, overwhelmed, pain, grateful, the-world-is-burning, sigh

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