Fandom #16

Apr 01, 2009 20:38

Title: The Right Education
Fandom: Harry Potter
Summary: Hermione's parents try to decide the best school for their girl.
Notes: I honestly can't believe I forgot this fandom XD

So, basically... what you're saying to us, is our daughter is a..."

"A witch." Minerva McGonagall repeated patiently, "that's right."

The girl's parents looked at each other warily.

"And you want us to give you our daughter, and you're going to take her away to your magic school?" the woman said again, blinking hard, forced blinks at the stranger.

"Correct," Minerva said, satisfied. "Is that clear?"

"No," Mr and Mrs Granger said in unison.

"I appreciate that this can be a difficult concept for people of... non-magical lineage to appreciate, but it is very real, and we are one of the best academies in the whole of Europe! In fact, dare I say so, we are the best."

"I don't suppose there are any league tables, are there?" Mr Granger said; his wife chuckled nervously, because she couldn't tell any more if this was a joke question or authentic, nor could she predict if the woman would take offence, or not understand.

The situation wasn't something completely alien to them, but they certainly had reservations about giving their only child away to strangers for seven years, instead of enrolling them into a proper school.

However... that hadn't gone well, and for various reasons, Hermione was due to go to a nearby comprehensive which had an average reputation (and "average" really meaning "less bad" than the other schools in the area). The idea of letting their girl go to school there was disappointing; she was exceptionally bright and alert for her age, and both parents worried her skills would go to waste.

And they didn't doubt the thing about magic was real, either. This Mrs McGonagall had made their doorstop turn into a rabbit, and their wall clock start singing. And it also explained the time next door's dobermann suddenly turned pink.

But... it still seemed... well, absurd.

But Hermione's face was alight in a way he hadn't seen in a long time, and she was grinning even wider than the times she came back from school after aceing her spelling tests, and proudly showing her parents the 50/50 score on the paper, and the quiet pride she had when they returned from Parents' Evening and showered her with praise. It was wider and prouder and happier than all of this.

The Grangers were one of the few Muggle parent couples who needed no bewitching to agree to their child's place at Hogwarts. They knew their daughter would do them proud no matter where she ended up.

Eight years later, when their daughter, a grown woman, found them in Melbourne and lifted the memory charms from them, they saw that wide, wide grin again, and knew she had aced one of life's tests, too.

They were proud to be her parents.

anbyrobanby, harry potter

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