Fandom 29: Cruel Intentions

Mar 31, 2009 19:17

[Title] End of the Story
[Fandom] Cruel Intentions
[Rating] PG-13 for language
[Notes/Summary] Set soon after the end of the movie. Cecile and Ronald talk.

Cecile knew she shouldn't have kept one of the Xeroxed diaries, but somehow it found its way into her shiny new leather school bag and, from there, out onto Ronald's bed, scattered there with the rest of her textbooks which somehow looked really babyish now. She sort of wished Ronald hadn't seen them. He was in college, after all.

"See?" she said. "Only multiply it by, like, a hundred and imagine me handing it out to everyone."

Ronald's face stayed blank as he picked up the diary (no, Sebastian had called it a journal, right? Probably there was some fancy reason for doing so, probably they meant different things) and started to leaf through it. Cecile watched him and then realised she was getting too scared to and so she kicked at the floor a bit, pulled at a loose thread on her skirt, listened to the traffic outside. Horns shouting as usual. The sun was just starting to set, and the sky was torn-apart and white.

"This is fucked up."

Ronald threw the diary back onto the bed; it hit Cecile's history textbook and fell open at a random page.

"It's only a diary," Cecile said, but more because she wanted to have a fight than because she didn't think it wasn't fucked up. It was, it was very fucked up; she'd read a bit and then she'd found stuff about her and then she'd thought she was going to throw up and Annette had been looking at her all cool and calm as if Cecile was being the biggest wimp in New York State or something. So she'd stopped reading it because she figured better not to know than to throw up in front of Annette.

"You read it?"

"Bits of it."

"Low-down arrogant son of a bitch -"

"Stop it." Cecile nearly said he's dead now, but then, why should that make any difference? He'd still written all that stuff. "It was all different in the end. Annette said so."

Ronald snorted, but he didn't argue back.

"Doesn't matter, anyway," Cecile said, sitting down on the bed (not like she was too scared to go near the diary-journal-thing, nuh-uh, god, how old was she?) and drumming her heels against the side. "He's dead and that bitch Kathryn is, like, in so much trouble. I mean you should have seen her face. She looked like she was gonna barf. And they didn't do anything to us in the end so it's gonna be fine. It'll be you and me just like it's s'posed to." She wanted to clamber across the bed and put her arms round him and kiss him a bit, but thinking about it made it feel awkward, like he'd know she'd just seen it in a movie.

He looked over at her, and his face was all cold and then suddenly it wasn't, it was just sad, and he slumped down onto the bed too and then somehow they were curled up together, her head on his chest, and the books were digging into her back but she didn't care.

"I wish I could believe that," he said.

Cecile didn't want to have a fight about it. She had a feeling she might lose.

versipellis, cruel intentions

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