
Dec 23, 2008 02:43

Thursday, 12/18: Fire alarm (set off by steam from a burst pipe, elsewhere in the building) at 02:00, had us standing out in the cold until roughly 02:40. Zombied to the endoscopy appointment on insufficient sleep. It turns out that full anaesthesia is standard if they think they may need to do a biopsy, 'cause gagging on the scope results in ones' innards being washed with acid before they get a chance to examine stuff. Procedure went smoothly, all results normal, followed up with a blood test for liver & pancreatic function, also completely normal. Dr. Specialist cancelled the HIDA scan that he'd recommended during the office visit, replacing it with a different test. I spent most of the rest of the day asleep, more from insomnia catching up with me than residual post-anaesthesia grogginess.

Friday, 12/19: Began the process of teaching zeightyfiv about D&D. Not much else of consequence.
Week of Happy meme, day 7: Yay, friends! Need I say more?

Saturday, 12/20: Lazy day. More D&D stuff. Noticed that I've developed a large bruise on one arm due to failed IV placement for Thursday's endoscopy. (It went fine up until the needle hit a veinous valve. Oops.) No bruising at the successful IV site.

Sunday, 12/21: Baked lasagna, with soybeef. Turned out delicious. Was the first night of Channukah, and we found ourselves with candles but without a menorah. Experimentally determined that the aluminum wire I had on hand isn't capable of standing up to direct contact with fire.

Monday, 12/22: Appointment with Dr. Surgeon went smoothly. (Added bit of data: another reason lithotripsy is no longer recommended for gallstones is that it has a nasty habit of bruising the liver in the process. Which is a Bad Thing.) Recommendation from all medical professionals is still surgical gallbladder removal. The physician's assistant recommended that I have my hypermobile joints looked at, just to make sure nothing too unusual is going on, but said that since I don't have the associated really-stretchy-skin trait, I should heal in a normal amount of time. Dr. Surgeon also counter-recommended the test that Dr. Specialist had ordered, since it won't show anything they're not going to learn during surgery anyway. Need to check that with Dr. Specialist tomorrow.

Tuesday, 12/23: Right now, am still awake from Monday. Nothing of interest has happened yet.

For those of you who've reached the bottom of the longpost, congratulations! And a question:

What sort of fillings do you think would go well in a veggie pot-pie? (Soychicken pot-pie is an option, but I'd rather do something without a meat-alike.) Because we're gonna need more pie.

links, memes, food, health

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