Dune visions

Feb 19, 2014 00:12

I posted an arial picture of the dunes we visit regularly for our hikes...well here is my usual view...

The parking lot we begin at is just below the most right hand sand at the too of the picture...

Here's another view...it's one of my most favorite places because no ATVs are allowed...so there's no noise, no trash, usually no people!

The older I get, the more noise sensitive I become...and the more I like quiet. Even though our Portland house is just a few blocks off TV highway, it's quiet, especially during the snow...the snow made everything so quiet..I loved it.

This is our wonderful front yard. And the barking dog next door is either gone, or they put a bark collar on him. Sad...but honestly, I don't think anything else would have worked...oh, except for maybe PAYING ATTENTION TO HIM! Grrrrr.

And Henry is getting SO big, and so fun! He'll be 3 in May, and so smart....okay super cute and smart too :)

Valentine cookie maker. Henry and his friends...

And today I returned to my childhood home....to give the current owners (Madge) some wallpaper I found that mom had brought with her to the new house. (Like i said before...the houses are only 1 block apart). Funny...I thought it would be more emotional...I lived there for 12 years, but I really didn't feel anything. It was just a house...a big beautiful house...but not 'our' house anymore...it was all good. When I mentioned this to Russ, he reminded me that it just 'might' be because it was...um...FORTY YEARS AGO That I lived there! WHOA! FORTY YEARS AGO, wow.

This is the house our family lived in for 32 years...as it looks today. The side porches are back on, but the porch is rotting, and it will be replaced this summer. Madge and I discussed some of the history of the house...why grass won't grow in certain places, and stories I remember. (I didn't tell her about the animal graveyard in the back yard) :) I said before, friends thought we were rich, but we weren't...we just had a big house! Today It reminds me to not judge someone by what you see, but who they are inside.

And this is the house she stuffed all the stuff of four stories into....

Yup! Now you can only imagine how much stuff is stuffed into this one story house!

And one more dune picture...because maybe if I pray hard enough we can get a break in the rain tomorrow and I can go to the dunes or the beach!

Thanks for letting me share a little of my childhood...I think when you lose someone close to you like I just have, a trip down memory lane is good. Do you have pictures of your childhood home? i'd love to see then and now.

via ljapp

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