Jan 01, 2021 14:11
December did not go as planned. I failed to reach my unofficial goal of 200K words in 2020, but I did manage to write 191,796 words. Which is more words than I have ever written in a year, so I'm still calling it a win! I clocked in at 5,085 words in December rather than the 13,500 I had hoped for at the start of the month.
Writing 191,796 words in a year means I wrote 15,983 on average each month. Obviously I didn't keep up that pace, but since I wrote between 15,000 and 22,000 in the first four months of 2020, combined with more than 48,000 words in August, and the average goes way up.
That said, I wrote between 1,139 words a month and 48,542 words, which is a HUGE gap. Granted, the latter number is from August so it's bound to be much higher than normal, but still. The difference shouldn't be that high. I need to find an average and stick to that so I don't burn myself out.
I've posted nine stories in 2020, six for the August Fic-A-Day, and three that were unrelated. All of them are crossovers, which is a little ironic since most of my unpublished stories are not. Given the amount of words I've written, there should've been more complete stories. Instead, I'm left with unfinished stuff that isn't going anywhere and stories I've known all along won't even be considered to be uploaded anywhere. *sigh*
I'm not giving up though. GYWO has given me the drive to push myself to write, all I have to do is make sure I write something usable, and not crap to get my word count up. It's hard, but I can do it. I just need to focus better, make plans, even if they are vague, and then try my best to stick to that.
I signed up for Get Your Words Out 2021, specifically I signed up for the Modest (150K) Word Count option.
In 2018, I signed up for 75K.
In 2019, I signed up for 150K.
In 2020, I signed up for 75K but changed it mid-year to 150K.
Here's to a lot of creative writing in 2021, hopefully posting new chapters to at least one of those poor, neglected WiP's, and everything working out for the best!
As always, practice social distancing and wash your hands properly and often.
Progress Statistic:
January: 22,087
February: 15,295
March: 24,848
April: 22,244
May: 11,057
June: 12,154
July: 16,656
August: 48,542
September: 6,332
October: 6,266
November: 1,139
December: 5,085
YtD: 191,796
community: getyourwordsout,
challenge: 2020 get your words out,
challenge: 2021 get your words out