Get Your Words Out 2020 - April!

May 05, 2020 12:24

April was a good month, not as good as March, but I'm not complaining. I clocked in at 22,244 words, putting my YTD word count at 84,474. 75K was reached on April 13th. Which means I'm 9,474 words ahead of my Pledge! GYWO has decided to allow people to change their Pledge for a few weeks in June if we're either falling behind or are getting ahead. I'm about 15K away from 100K and will in all likelihood pass it during May, so I will up my Pledge to either 150K or 200K depending on how May goes and how confident I feel.

I participated in GYWO's 7 Days, 7 Stories, and completed rough outlines for seven stories/scenes. Not really satisfied with most of them, but a couple has potential. We'll see if my flighty muse is cooperative or not.

As always, practice social distancing and wash your hands properly and often.

Progress Statistic:
January: 22,087
February: 15,295
March: 24,848
April: 22,244
YTD: 84,474

community: getyourwordsout, 2020, challenge: 2020 get your words out

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