Movie Title: Kokuhaku (Confessions)
Year released in Japan: June 2010
Directed by: Tetsuya Nakashima
Starring: Takako Matsu, Masaki Okada, Yoshino Kimura
Actress Takako Matsu (K-20, Villon's Wife) plays a dedicated teacher at a junior high school who's young daughter is found brutally murdered. Believing two of her own students are responsible, she decides to leave the school, but not before a final chilling confession to her class in which she informs them that she's already enacted her plan for vengeance. A series of further confessions bring other incidents regarding students to light, leading up to a shocking plot twist.
I want to see this movie so bad! I love Nakashima as a director and could not wait to find out what he was going to be working on next. When I found out about this movie I was a bit skeptical and wasn't really sure how well it would work out. But I've heard so many good things about it and I just can't wait. >_<
Trailer: (English Subbed)
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