Movie Title: Gantz
Year released in Japan: Jan 2011
Directed by: Shinsuke Sato
Starring: Kazunari Ninomiya, Kenichi Matsuyama, Yuriko Yoshitaka, Kanata Hongo
College student Kei Kurono (Kazunari Ninomiya) witnesses his childhood friend Masaru Kato (Kenichi Matsuyama) attempting to help a drunk who has fallen onto the subway train tracks and spontaneously jumps in to help him. However, both are run down by the oncoming train...
In the next instant, they are transported to a strange apartment with others who should also be dead. In the center of the living room is an enigmatic black orb known as 'GANTZ'.
GANTZ enlists each of them on a mission to hunt down and exterminate 'aliens', providing them with fighting suits and weapons.
Is this a world of game or reality? Seeing people and aliens slaughtering each other, Kato is anguished, but Kurono gradually feels satisfied as he discovers his fighting ability...
I've heard of this manga before mention of the live-action movie and from what I's pretty violent. I'm really interested in how they are going to play out some of the scenes. Will they tame it down? Or go all out? When I heard of the cast I couldn't help but laugh at the image of them in those super tight black spandex outfits. The story itself is intriguing but I don't like reading violent manga, so this is a good way to get into the story without being witnessed to some disturbing images.
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