Movie Title: Beck
Year released in Japan: Sept 2010
Directed by: Yukihiko Tsutsumi
Starring: Hiro Mizushima, Takeru Sato, Kenta Kiritani, Shiori Kutsuna, Osamu Mukai, Aoi Nakamura
Based on Harold Sakuishi’s long-running manga, the film stars Takeru Sato as Koyuki, an ordinary high school student who’s encouraged to pick up guitar after a chance encounter with a talented guitarist named Ryusuke Minami (Hiro Mizushima). The two eventually form a band with bassist Taira (Osamu Mukai), lead vocalist Chiba (Kenta Kiritani), and drummer Saku (Aoi Nakamura). They name the band BECK after Minami’s dog and Koyuki discovers he has a natural gift for playing guitar. As his talent blooms, the band experiences more and more success, eventually getting invited to play at a rock festival.
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