May 02, 2010 19:36
Sorry, I'm not posting it, and I probably won't post what I write tonight (I have 3k currently but I want to finish the chapter, so it'll probably be another 2-3k). However, I have been constantly updating the dropbox PDF, so if you go by that link (I've posted it a lot), I think you'll be ok.
Just so you know, the novel has (as of right this second) 4 and a half chapters (including the epilogue) left. I'm going to finish a chapter today, and maybe start the next. I'll then write the rest of the next and maybe a little more tomorrow, and writing tuesday will be dedicated to finishing the book. If all else fails, it'll be done wednesday. That's my goal.
When that happens, all dropbox links are going friends-only, as it'll be a complete rough manuscript. Also, Andrea will be able to finish it before she goes on her mission! Yay! Party!
Anyway, I'll post a word count tonight, as well as a link when I upload it. I'll probably stop doing full posts until after WGMD is done; I'll post Paradise Seekers up here when the time comes.
Also, after I'm done I have a lot to do. I'm going to re-read WGMD, fixing basic errors and possibly doing a quick rewrite/edit of the first five-six chapters. I'm also going to re-read Chuck's book chapter by chapter, giving comments. Lastly, I'm going to be writing Paradise Seekers, and doing school.
I'll probably also start querying more agents. I haven't heard back from the one I queried for Sanderson's final, which I'm guessing is either a good thing (they are sitting on it, deciding) or a bad thing (it got sent to their junk mail). We'll see.
Also, I'm going to Conduit in SLC on the 28-30th! Any of you going? I'm going with some buddies from last year writing groups, and I'm going to try and suck up to editors and agents the best I can.
Anyway, that's it from me. Sorry I haven't kept it updated; it's been busy with school starting up again.