Fixed it; it ended up MUCH better. I think the pacing works quite divinely now (get it? the book is about GODS. HAHAHA), even if the thing is at a freaking 141k. Yeah. It's too long.
Anyway, the new chapter 19 is MUCH better, and is 200% discovery writing, and I actually had some ideas I thought were pretty brilliant that made it in there (including seriously injuring Ailene...yay!), so you should read it and tell me how fantastic it is.
Still would like feedback about the reveal, however. Any is appreciated. Also, disregard ALL of yesterday's posts if you are reading off the LJ; all that stuff is now obsolete and outdated. :P
Sorry, Act 2 isn't done, but I am doing NOTHING tomorrow. I am going to try and write as much as possible. I'm guessing...three more chapters in the act, four tops. If I manage one a day, that'll put us at Wed, but I'll shoot for sooner.
Anyway, you can get the new improved version here. It starts at 234 (that's chapter 19).