I passed my PhD oral exam on Thursday! And I didn't just pass, I actually did very well! There were lots of laughs and part way through it almost seemed kind of fun, because I felt so confident after I did well on the first few sections. I was kind of on fire, and all the studying really paid off. I worked hard, endured the ordeal, and I earned it. I couldn't have done it without Casey and I'm so glad he was there to support me. When I came out of the exam to wait for the results there were tons of friends there to wait with me, and it made me feel so loved. Casey and I had dinner at the Fountain, and I just couldn't get over how relieved and happy I felt that it was OVER. This whole last weekend was like a dream. I am thrilled that it's over, that I did so well, and that I was able to demonstrate to them how much I've learned. I'm also so relieved that I was so immediately able to get back to being ME. All the misery this test has brought, the stress, frustration, doubt - I was worried that I'd been living with it so long that it would hard to be myself again. But it's like, the second it was all behind me, I was back. Happy, relaxed, sleeping like a baby. It's WONDERFUL to get back to the person and student I was before exams. FORWARD!
On Friday I enjoyed Happy Hour and dinner with friends at Mi Ranchito, which was a blast. So good to see everyone after a semester of being such a hermit. :-)
The great part about the weekend was that my parents came in both to celebrate my victory and to see me before I leave the country. It was really relaxing and fun to have them here. Lots of eating! We went to a long dinner at Spiro's to celebrate, with champagne, wine, conversation, and delicious greek food! I really appreciate all the support and excitement they have for me and I'm so looking forward to my mom and sister visiting for a few days in Madrid! Plus it was really nice to see my dad. My mom was able to visit with Sammie in December but I haven't seen Dad since the fall, and I enjoyed spending the weekend with him before I go abroad.
By this time next week I'll be in SPAIN! I was frustrated that there's so little time between my exam and my departure, but maybe that's a good thing, because I only have time to pack and get on to my new adventure. I don't have time to be sad about leaving or nervous about it all. That having been said, as excited as I am for this trip, I'm also very excited for the summer when I return. Back to Casey, Charlie, friends, teaching - my life is going to be wonderful this summer. But first, gotta go spend 3 months living abroad doing some (hopefully) awesome research and writing.
Should I do a blog while I'm there?
Only a few friends follow my LJ.
I'm wondering if I should make a more public blog to share with friends and family to save me writing a the same email a bunch of times, but idk if anyone really would read a separate blog about a three month excursion. It at least appeals to my interest in keeping a chronicle of the adventure.