So in cleaning my workspace and filing away all my last semester work, I realized I never put up the -isms from the end of last semester. Here they are, compiled, so I never have to look through my notes again to remember that I enjoyed my classes.
Thomas Finan - Medieval British Isles
"Social History. When those two words are brought up at a faculty meeting at SLU... I don't want to say "violence" persay, but "lambast" would probably be part of the conversation."
"Domesday Book looks like a frickin' spreadsheet and it's just begging you to put it in excel and crunch some numbers!"
"The villeins were a certain class of super-peasants"
"Braveheart is just a WEIRD movie when you really think about it, but that's a conversation for a pub later."
"It would have been difficult for William Wallace to shout "FREEDOM!" with his lungs being ripped out... that is the most gruesome bit of Latin I have ever read, in my life."
"Edward... you wanna slap him. You really wanna slap him, and say 'What the hell were you thinking?!'"
"Edward II, totally incompetent. Worst king of the Middle Ages? Possibly."
Koen: "The one thing I love about this book is that the author is nuts about blood and guts. Every medieval execution is described in detail. I mean, you can't make this shit up!"
"Are we heading toward the Star Trek future, or the Blade runner future?"
"He has a lot of really strange ideas. You can tell that he's Scottish."
"Every once in awhile the present circumstances allow us to provide students with an example for comparison to make it seem like the past is... somehow relevant."
Student: "Can we email the papers to you, or do you want them in your box?"
Finan: "I on one hand am feeling pretty old-school about this, but on the other hand, I don't want to come into the office. Hm, old school, lazy, old school, or lazy? Eh, lazy - you can email them to me."
Finan: "Marker Please!"
Student hands him marker*
Finan: "NO! You're supposed to throw it to me, so I can catch it and look all dynamic! Try again. Marker Please!"
"Stratigraphy is a hard hard concept to wrap your mind around... what's on the bottom, that's older, what's on the top, that's newer. OK! class dismissed."
"Imagine you're studying a manuscript, translating it, editing it, and once you've made your printed edited translated edition, you take the original manuscript, put it in a can, and light it on fire. That's what archeology does."
"Castles are the major feature of the medieval landscape... okay... monasteries too... I don't want Ginther yelling at me - theology people, so sensitive, so monasteries too... NO! I am gonna say it. CASTLES ARE THE MAJOR FEATURE OF THE MEDIEVAL LANDSCAPE. I said it."
"If you put all the medieval archeologists in America in one room and blew up a grenade, you'd probably kill them all. There's not very many."
"Historians are, at best, storytellers."
"Northwest Wales! It's like a castle persons... cool... place!"
"and this image shows something getting burned over someone, or something..."
Jim Ginther - Medieval Culture
"see, all this stuff is pretty straightforward. You've just done philosophy, congratulations."
"St. Francis of Assisi was not a modest guy. He wanted everything he said to be written down. WRITE this down, dammit! Remember this!"
"This versified text... well, it was a bitch to translate."
Ginther: "The teacher has to give direction."
Student: "So the teacher has to teach?"
Gitther: "Now let's not get our hopes up."
On Latin works translated into the vernacular: "it's like playing a symphonic piece on a kazoo."
"When you're learning Latin, it's like expanding an island... except your island seems to sink back into the sea very quickly."