LIVEJOURNAL - Freshman year memories!

Sep 06, 2008 11:16

In various emails I wrote to various people (apparently I deleted VERY little of my sent email during my time at Cornell) I think I can compile some of the fun memories from Freshmen year!

Thu 8/26/2004
Hey Dad i was so glad to get your email! It is a totally new world here at college and i am totally excited about it, especially after i went to this workshop that was all about the history of cornell, and hey bowman-carter is such a cool place. It was the first woman's dorm built west of the mississippi in the 1800s. I learned that the 4th floor, where i live, was converted into a hospital during the scarlett fever epidemic in 1917 (don't worry it was fumigated afterwards). I liked learning about the history of the school. its just weird to think college girls have been living in this room for a hundred years. (It was not initially a hotel, i was wrong, its always been a dorm for women.) I just wonder what all their experiences were! Anyway I have my first class meeting for an hour tomorrow, i sure hope i get cultural anthropology. There's a girl on my floor named Jessica and she's also trying to take Russian history/culture second block so i hope she's in my class. Thanks so much for fixing the phone situation, because its such a vital link for me right now. I called David yesterday too after i talked to mom. i'll try to halt all the text messages. I went to the bookstore today and got a few things. I got a blue t-shirt exactly like sammie's, so we can wear them together sometimes and be blue and gold, and cornell! I also got mounting stickies cause my poster kept crashing down. I looked for an extention cord to move the fan somewhere but they don't sell them at the bookstore so i'll have to get a cord with a third little hole in it when i come back in september. or you could mail it to me! it needs to be like 10 feet, maybe 7, i have no clue i can't guesstimate length then its not a straight line. I tried my mail box today but i didn't get it open, so i'll go back down later. i think i got the combo wrong anyway so i'll check. I also got a planner, its green and it has the cornell seal on the front. i kicked myself when i realized i still had my LOTR planner and that i had indeed brought it to college. oh well its only got a few more months on it anyway.

I also won a bunch of stuff today! I won a cornell magnet (which i put on our fridge) for getting a bunch of cornell trivia questions right (just by guessing) before the history workshop. Also there was an ice cream social in the library, and you got ice cream and could enter drawings, and i won a gift card for 25 bucks! Its to any Red Lobster, Olive Garden, Bahama Breeze or Smokey's BBQ (they must all be owned by the same, whatever), but i'll have to wait until i get to Cedar Rapids with someone. Or maybe there's one of those in Iowa City and Jamie wants some dinner. who knows. I'm watching Oprah with brittany right now on one of our very few breaks between activities. Anyway i never win anything so I had a good day. Tonight we're going into mout vernon and i've got a floor activity. we're painting doorstops. OKAY, gotta get going! (By the way there are many grammatical things wrong with this email, such a capitalization and lack of paragraphs, but the parentheses are right!)
Goodnight i love you sweet dreams!


Thu 8/26/2004
i love this school SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much already and its only my third day here. I have my first class meeting tomorrow. ooh man i'm sorry i haven't the energy to write a long email right now.... HEY though i did want to say that one of the girls i've gotten to know pretty well is Heather, and she's soooo sweet and fun!


Fri 8/27/2004
i have read the pointless email. and i loved seeing "hey beautiful" amidst all my college reminder emails. I gotta run to a picnic dinner on the lawn in front of the president's house! I'll talk to you later dave. and i'll actually reply when i get a second to breathe! (NSO Is BUSY!)


Sat 8/28/2004
To aunt Yolonda-
My moving in experience was a little different. My Dad and mom helped me unpack and football guys helped carry all my stuff up the 72 stairs! (freshman live on the 3rd and 4th floor, and i'm on the 4th!) my room mate is great and we're getting along swimmingly. They've been keeping us really busy so i've not had any time to be homesick. I also talk to my family a lot so its been fine. I miss my friedns a lot and everything reminds me of one story or another that we did together. Say hello to Uncle Mike and my cousins for me!


Mon 8/30/2004
To Steven -
I also started classes today. I hope yours go well. Mine was great. It was only 2 hours, and after 95 minute classes at evergreen, that seems like nothing. Its only going to be two hours all week! But i have a load of homework, reading a lot basically. But right now i need to run to register for voice lessons! Choir Calls! Talk to you soon steven dean


Tue 8/31/2004
I am loving cultural anthropology. Today we spent the whole day on Linguistics and communication and it was sooooo cool. Those click languages are amazing. We also touched briefly on the history of languages and how they developed over time and ooh i loved that. That was why i also liked beowulf more than i should have, because of the old english on the other side of the page. Oh seamus heaney, how i miss thee. Anyway i need to go read some more about the Yanomamo people of south america


Wed 9/1/2004
College is hard work!!! I've been studying like nonstop. i can't wait for a weekend break. I heard theres a party this weekend at a barn. Oh Iowa. Idk if i want to go though because i think its going to be a lot of drunk people, and my roommate won't even be here all weekend because she's going home for friday and saturday. It's going to be an interesting/ possibly lonely weekend. we'll see. I am loving my cultural anthropology class a LOT. Its really fascinating. TONS of work and reading but still fascinating. I just got back from showering and about 15 guys just saw me in a towel. that was shocking. college is going to be interesting.


Sun 9/5/2004
I had one HELL OF A TIME yesterday (saturday). I had a great, not lonely, day afterall. I ate breakfast & lunch & the football game (which i actually only watched a few seconds of) with this group of kids I'm getting to know really well (Heather (my fav), Tim (my second fav and also the foxiest foxy fox ever. he's a really good hugger), Daniel, Kerrie, and Brittany. Its nice that i have a little semi stable set of people I'm starting to get to know. I missed the theatre BBQ because i took a nap and overslept, but I woke up in time to meet all of them at the Clayton Miller Blues Band show that was in the commons. that was REALLY loud and totally fun. We also had a car adventure and went to village inn and then laid in the grass on campus til 1am. it was a good evening. The band was so much fun. My first impression was holy crap its loud in here, and then my second reaction was HOLY CRAP that little kid is ROCKING the CRAP out of that harmonica! It was a family band (semi-known, they have CDs and are musical guests on shows and stuff) of like a dad and his three sons. the youngest, on harmonica, was 10 years old, and he was just incredible.

I helped Heather make some awesome apple cake this morning in the kitchen for brittany tim daniel and kerrie. it was really delicious and tim and daniel offered to do the dishes so bonus.

I have so much homework left that i fear for my sanity.


Wed 9/8/2004
I hope you had a good labor day weekend! I didn't have school off monday. This week i have cut a rug at swing dance club and been cast in a play! The directing class needed actors for their monologues and one acts. I'm pretty excited. No. i am very excited. But i have a midterm friday so i need to study and sleep.


Thu 9/9/2004
Hey Steven! So i tried out for these plays the directing class is putting on and i got a role in one of them! Which is huzzah, except my I have to "passionately kiss" my good friend Brian from Minnesota. This'll be interesting. My friend heather also got a role and she was like "oh man, i have to be a monkey" and i began telling her about the skits you guys put on last year, particularly the one with Shannon and Xak and Nate wiht the monkeys cause i was trying to demonstrate that playing a monkey might be very different from what she expects. Turns out that IS the skit they're doing! the same one! I told her she'd like it.


Fri 9/10/2004
I understand what you mean about taking on too much Steve. The other day i was totally stressing out. But its worth all the work. I've got like a club every night of the week. Not like, i do have clubs every night of the week, and a play, and newspaper and a Killer class (i had my midterm today so i was studying my ASS off last night)... I'm a busy girl.

You should get involved with theatre sometime because you were really good at that Steven. I ran into Brian in the commons and he was like AMY! wow, well this isn't awkward at all! It wasn't though cause he's really cool.

Man after my midterm this afternoon heather and i went rolling down some grassy iowa hills, it was a great stress reliever. PLUS we looked COOL. Then we jumped on giant bubble wrap cause some other girl on our floor got a package. So i've had a childhood day.

I miss you! Something reminded me of you today and i told a story about you that no one cared about but me, but now i can't remember for the life of me what it was.

I'm gonna have such a busy weekend and i'm looking forward to it. I'm going to see Ferris Bueler's day off (sp on his name? idk) out on the grass tonight - movie on the rocks style with a big screen. But i can't stay for all of it cause i'm going swing dancing at the hilltop in Mt. Vernon. Exciting stuff eh? And my uncle is taking me out to breakfast tomorrow, so it'll be good to see a familiar face. And i've got voice lessons and oh its gonna be a fun weekend. Idk when i'm gonna find time for a wild college party. I want to take a nap. But theres no time for such silliness.


Sat 9/11/2004
I had 8 guys and girls in my room last night watching a movie til 1 am. its been a good weekend so far.

Since my midterm is over i haven't been thinking about class at all, but really just this little play. It's making me nervous cause my character is like really emotional, confident and incredibally sexual and desireable. And its a little tough because, you know me, i'm more shy and awkward - not exactly as sexy. Its going to be an interesting experience.

But now i need to run to dinner, and then hang out with my friend Heather cause its her birthday. The big one eight. She's not old like us winter birthday kids.


Sun 9/12/2004
Sammi! I am going to tell you about some of the boys i like in particular. None of them are like exactly what i'm lookin for though. bah.

[Edit: Omg, this was so funny to look back at. SO FUNNY.]

Daniel #1 - Swing dancing instructor who's amazingly amazing and pulls me on the dance floor when i've got no one to swing with, CUTE, single, flirty and friendly, sweetheart, not tall or anything but def not short, curly hair that reminds me a little of Ben. Problem: Sophomore.

Daniel #2: One of my closest new friends! Hilarious and kinda hot, but he's a Texan.

Tim: Closest new guy friend. HOT boy. Sickeningly polite and genuine, yoga dude, from cherry creek CO, tall dark and handsome, does the dishes, dancer, lifts every morning so he's buff, and really cool guy. Problem: girlfriend in CO, goes to bed at 9, and every girl on campus is in love with him

Eric: Hot guy in an orlando bloom way with dark wavy hair. i love looking at him - eye candy. Problem: he hardly speaks, drinks also, but did defend us against drunkards hitting on us the other night.

Mike: the prettiest boy! He's so pretty. And he's super friendly and from chicago and wrote a fun message on my board about it. he plays and loves baseball. Problem: i think he's with this girl Lisa on my floor.

Nate: In my class, hot american eagle model looks, loves baseball and is on the baseball team, makes really smart comments in class, and funny. But I don't get to hang out wiht him much and i think he's out of my league, and possibly attached to a girl jane, whom i hate generally as a person.

[Edit: OMG I can't believe my jane hatred went back that far! 1st block freshman year to 9th block in greece senior year, always hatred]

And last, but not least:
Bryan: This HILARIOUS kid who's not very tall with a little boy haircut and great brown hair, not an asshole, cute, up for anything (such as learning to swing dance with me, and then dipping me on surprise), goofy fun, funny glasses cause he can't put his contacts in right now, star wars lover, and this week I'll find out if he's a good kisser. Problem: girlfriend of 1 year still in HS in MN.

K i dont' think you cared but i needed a homework break and that greatly amused me.


Tue 9/14/2004
I forgot over the summer how stressful, and satisfying, being busy is. On one minute you're totally frustrated and think how easy it would be to just not be in any clubs and just go to class come home, do homework and sleep, but then when you finsih or accomplish something you'd been working on you're just like god DAMN i loved that and forget you spent so much time hating it too. does that make sense? Idk, its satisfying. Its like hurdling. You jump, clear the hurdle, and land on your feet again just as another huge hurdle is set in front of you, all of this at breakneck speeds. Its life!

Its like, right now with this skit, i feel like its a big obligation and time constraint but you know what? after next monday it will be over and i'll look back on how glad i was that i did that, and be sad that i don't get to hang out with Bryan and Jody for a couple hours every day anymore. I hate feeling lonely sometimes, but i have learned to deal with it cause i've moved so much. but i'm getting to know people, and i'm a little less lonely every day.

Ashley and i were so happy about our midterms that we were singing on the sidewalk on the way to lunch. People must have thought we were on crack we were so relieved and hyper. it was so much fun. And i get to go to rehearsal and dinner and then Dancing tonight! Swing is SO easy. all the really amazing guys just started learning last christmas. And Bryan had like ONE 15 minute lesson and could already do all the basics. He's just such a hoot. Haha oh gosh i'm excited to go let loose and dance in pfeiffer lounge tonight. its really hot in there. awesome. by awesome i mean ick. but still awesome.


Went to Bible study today and it went well. Though i did keep chuckling to myself everytime someone said "Colossians" because i just kept thinking of Father Chris (this hilarious preist at my lil evergreen church) and once he said, "here paul is trying to caution the colotion, collotain the cautions, CAUTION the COLOSSIANS! Haha, will everyone say that 5 times fast with me?" and then we did. So i am that new weird girl to bible study that laughs all the time. But it was all around great because i walked in, nervous, but saw 3 people i recognized! Ashley, in my anthropology class; Stephanie, the director of my little skit; and Daniel, the cute swing dance instructor. I instantly relaxed and had a good time.

Yancey: Y'ain't married!
Fred: No, we're not. you think we oughta be? Before we get drunk, smoke dope, and take each other's clothes off?
Flo: ...Fred!

thats from my skit. Trying to memorize. i'm flo. bryan's fred. gosh. We perform Monday! woot! comin up!

i hope you have a great day. If you need me, i'll be rolling down the hill with heather (one of our new favorite activies, we usually try to drag people along.) it fun because the seniors just look at us and you can tell they're just like "god. freshmen." But we have fun. We had more fun yesterday because it DOWNPOURED so we were running around in the rain kicked puddles of water at each other and we got so soaked. i was drenched from head to toe. Anyway after a hill rolling sesh (which i just realized i think i'll leave for tomorrow since i'm wearing a dress) i have rehearsal, and meditation at 7. and i don't have class tomorrow so its going to be a loooong good weekend since i have little homework and no activities lined up. i'm so glad i have no class tomorrow. I love this school!


Fri 9/17/2004
I went to bed around ten cause i was exhausted from Yoga and idk the whole day, but i had a really bad nightmare so i woke up panicking and hyperventilating at like idk 12:45. I'm glad i didn't wake up britt with that. I dont know why i thought i'd go online but david's on so i'm glad i did. I realize I already wrote you an email today, er, yesterday, but i figured i'd just say Hi and tell you i had a really scary dream. I have lots of them, all with a similar plot of a scary man in black trying to kill me, either chasing me with an axe, or a knife. He's never caught me but its still always really scary. anyway i dont have class tomorrow so i think i'll just stay up awhile. I'm reluctant to go back to sleep anyway.


Fri 9/17/2004
I just turned my first newspaper article in, it felt great. I wrote about the Cornell Dems (democrats club) and what they've been up to and such. Unfortunately i can't write for the next issue. You see the meeting is on sunday and my play is on monday night, so i'll be in dress rehearsal sunday night whilst they are assigning stories. It's such good time being back in drama activities; I'm having so much fun.

My day's been crazy. I'm totally sore from Yoga yesterday - that workout kicked my ass. Dont' laugh its tough stuff. But i'm taking a break and writing to you before i run back out again - i'm going to casino night. well for a little while, then i'll either watch family guy with Tim and Dan and Bryan and heather (aah the excessive ands) or maybe go into Cedar Rapids or something. Idk, we'll see where the evenign leads. Woot to Friday Nights.

Flo: Tonight, we get a bottle of vodka and your good gold colombian and i mean we forget this, you make me FORGEt it all GOODBYE, you just take me BYEBYE tonight you promise?
Fred: I promise baby.
- I've been running my lines like all day every day. i will have them memorized. I do have them memorized.

i've got so much homework this weekend too. I'll be in the library a LOT tomorrow. We have our Final on wednesday so its game time study-wise


Sat 9/18/2004
I have had great saturday so far. i had a good friday too actually cause i had no class so i stayed in my pajamas all day to piss people off and flaunt the fact that i had nothing to do. Bryan did a sarcastic slow clap and congratulated me when i finally emerged dressed for the day at like 5:30. I won a DVD (Liar,Liar) at casino night. good times.

Today i went to IHOP (i'd never been there) got some kick ass pancakes, then studied (boo) and made some spaghetti o's with heather (we'd been wanting some all week) and then we ran to meet tim Bryan, other brian kerri and levi to go see Sky Capitan and the World of Tomorrow. Twas awesome. Especially cause i got to ride in Bryan's little sky blue convertible which was a complete blast. Sweet.

Haha so apparently guys on 4th floor Rorem are obsessed with this comedian Brian Regan (which they should be and i am glad to hear it cause Brian Regan is a god among comics) and they feel really isolated from the womenfolk up in 4th floor guys dorm so apparently their motto is "chicks dude, CHICKS!" and up here on 4th floor of an all girls dorm we've decided our motto should be "Dudes chick, DUDES!" cause there's never guys up here and its a big deal when there are. we're sheltered from the male species. its sad.

Idk what i'm gonna be doing all night, my roomie is going to a party but it doesn't sound like my style. i suppose we'll see!


Mon 9/20/2004
TRICIA I GOT YOUR CARD TODAY! and it made me immensely happy and i was laughing so hard i almost fell over and died. My roommate must have thought i was crazy. i do think the kwakiutil lookin card coupled with the pink envelope was not matching, but each were AMAZINGLY awesome respectively. Guess what i got at Wal-mart yesterday? Well a delicious toblerone bar. But guess what ELSE i got at walmart? A mini Disney Princess Calander and i noticed that Aurora was on TWO months instead of just one like jasmine and i thought you'd be really glad that such an underrated wonderufl disney princess was recognized as deserving both april and october. Prince eric is a foxy dream hunk. but we've been over this. AHH i miss you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Mon 9/20/2004
i had dress rehearsal that night though and i forgot how AMAZING it feels to be under stage lights and to totally just be someone else for a few minutes and acting and showing off it so much fun. i've got my performance tonight at eight and i am so freaking excited. i am also a little sad cause it means no more rehearsals or anything. I've loved going to rehearsal with Bryan and Jody.

i was up til 1:30 last night doing homework. it was a great moment when i got to the very last page of our like 500 page textbook and i was like, i've read this entire thing, and i only have one more page to go..... Screw it. And i closed the book. I will never know what that very last page said.


Tue 9/21/2004
I have my final tomorrow and i am really nervous. But i am really excited for it to be over cause then i can go home to colorado for three days! My friend ashley is giving me a ride to "Cedar Rapids Municiple Airport in Swisher Iowa!", (woot) which makes me very happy cause thats super sweet of her

I got to be onstage last night in front of an audience!!!! It was so EXCITING! I LOVED IT. We did so freaking well. no lines messed up, no jittery nerves, it was great. i'm so glad. YAY for me bryan and jody!

I had tortilla soup for lunch today. I freaking love tortilla soup. I've only had it twice and it is such an awesome thing. It made my day special.


Wed 9/22/2004
I have my final this morning! Once its over I am DONE with cultural anthropology (which i am kinda sad about cause i've REALLY enjoyed this course.) Its weird, cause i know I am just NOT well enough prepared but i don't freaking care because after its DONE i get to GO HOME! i'm so Freaking excited i might die a little bit. I can't wait to see my family and just my town.

Okay. I'm gonna go get myself some scrambled eggs (they're so good here. i eat scrambled eggs like every freaking day cause i love them so much.) and run over my notes... AGAIN before class.


Thu 9/30/2004
i'm in a really good mood. walking back from the bathroom i was pondering on what could have caused such a mood, and then this girl kristie was like "hey amy i really like you're shirt today its really cool!" and then i realized, oh its just lots of nice little things like that! Like i thought i had lost my sweater and this morning Bryan was like, hey you left your sweater in my room last night (a bunch of us watched star wars) and i was quite glad that it had returned to me. And i got an email from you and there were rice krispy treats at lunch and there was a funny message on my board and idk, lots of other things are just making my day left and right. Plus it is absolutely gorgeous out and i'm listening to Mudfootball by Jack Johnson. I love that song.

Well nothing really new to report. i have to write an essay tonight but i have the most amazing idea to write about and i'm almost excited about it. Shh don't tell anyone cause thats dorky.

Okay cool guy i gotta get going. I need to get some research done so i can finish my paper on Pushkin's The Bronze Horseman. Its a really amazing poem by the way. i also need to sometime find time to get over to the haunted music practice house and work on this music!!!!!!!! aaah! Not today though


Wed 10/6/2004
I had the best day yesterday. I was cold at first but then it got warm out and i went to swing dancing in the evening. I LOVE SWING DANCING! My shoulderblades hurt. isn't that weird?! It was so much fun. Cute guys were throwing me in the air! We worked on jumps and lifts. I was spinning and i was flipped across boy's backs and it was all in the greatest of ease! How very fun. And i got to dance with all the guys that are really good - and thats the most fun. I had a BLASt. i think my face hurt from smiling.

Then i decided to blow off my homework so i had a good night just hanging out with Rene and Julia! We tried on homecoming dresses and that was fun and we just laughed all night about stupid stuff.

and then today Julia and went to go bug rene and garrett so we went over to Rorem (boys dorm. they're roommates) and they had left their door unlocked and they weren't there. So we took the liberty of making a sign that said "You shouldn't leave your door unlocked. Love, stalkers. PS What's Missing?!?!" only we didn't take anything. we're messing with them.

gosh no one should ever need to do crunches. just laugh too much and your abs will burn in no time flat.


Wed 10/13/2004
my life, is for the most part great. i was having a really bad day in the morning yesterday (i lost my keys and did poorly on a paper i worked really hard on) but then i went over to Rorem and got a lot of hugs and then i went to swing dancing and It was like combo night and then free style dancing and i had an absolute blast and i got to dance with Ian and that was fun cause he's the best one there and so its really fast and fun. and during free dancing i was with garrett and then tim just like swooped in and stole me it was sooooo slick and the whole club clapped cause it was HILARIOUS. i had a great night from then on out and i just hung out in rorem with heather and the guys.

I've just been a dancing FOOL recently. Homecoming. SO AMAZING. i convinced like my whole floor to go and it was such a blast. they played GREAT music and man i have NEVER danced like that before. we danced like nearly nonstop from like 9 to 1am. i was telling my mom all about it. I went with rene but he wasn't so much of a dancing fool so my favorite dancing moments of the evening were with Julia (she has as much fun as I do out there) and seth. seth's such a cool guy. but they busted out a few swing songs and so i tore it up with Tim and Garrett and we did the dip of death! i love the dip of death.


Thu 10/14/2004
i'm procrastinating on my paper right now. I've got all night. I need to clean my room too cause my SISTER IS COMING yay. but right now i am studying up on the beatles for the party on saturday night. woot! man if i'm ever in a long distance relationship i want the guy to send me the lyrics to "PS I Love you" cause that'd be so cute. i adore the beatles. huzzah! (or in Russian: Ypa!) Beatles partay saturday! A cute sophomore invited me! Ypa! haha


Tue 10/19/2004
Aspects of my life:
1) academic: I got an A on my paper yesterday and i almost died of extreme excitement. one more day of hard labor and then i am free for block break.... yes... block break!!!! i get to do nothing for 4 days. and then i start Spanish 102.

2) romantic: it'd be fun to have guys lined up down the hall for me, but basically thats never going to happen. i dont' know how to attract the boys it appears! ah well. I am like totally crushing on this guy seth in my class, but i doubt that'll ever happen. meh. i'm busy enough.

3) extracurricular:: I have to miss swing this eve and i am super pissed. god damn studying. but i did have fun at deep water on sunday even though i didn't have a voice. I am loving play rehearsal. I'm in a new skit.

4) family: they came to visit this weekend! i took my sister all over campus and swing dancing and all sorts of fun stuff. i love my family!

5) health: i'm finally getting my voice back! I was sick this weekend.

6) nature: the leaves are gorgeous but i am hating the cold! boo to upcoming winter.

i wish i didn't have this final tomorrow. its wrecking my day! ahhh.


Fri 10/29/2004
it is absolutely beautiful out. its 70 degrees and beautifully sunny for some weird reason, and to top it all off it is GINKO day (and friday!)!!! i've been waiting for the ginko trees to turn color all fall. they lose all their leaves in one day you know, so Heather and i (my friend heather at cornell don't get weird) are going to go have storytime with Rene (he has never read the stinky cheese man, the very grouchy ladybug, or if you give a mouse a cookie so we're catching him up on the childhood he missed out on) and then we are gonna go sit under the ginko tree and watch it rain yellow fan leaves on us. it'll be amazing.


Mon 11/1/2004
I had such a good halloween. i love my friends at cornell plus Casey that came from university of iowa. Since he doesn't drink or party he comes to hang out with us all "In the BC at the CC in the MV in the IA!" (Bowman-carter, cornell college, Mt. Vernon, and Iowa, respectively).

Crap. my entire room is still coated in glitter and i don't know what to do about it.


Tue 11/2/2004
i need to go work on my musica for lessons. and i need to look over my lines again. it wasn't good yesterday. but instead i'm watching election coverage

i have swing dance tonight. I wish i had something exciting to tell you. but i think i already related to you my NINJA story. if i didn't it is a great one. i just can't remember if i've told you about halloween. seriously if i didn't tell you the ninja story let me know cause its a really good one


Wed 11/3/2004
this kid Casey is HILARIOUS. SO the ninja story. i am dressed as a fairy (i'll have to show you halloween pics) and my friends and i are walking to the merner party. Casey is a judo master, heather is a 50's girl, and nikki is an angel. we see a masked stranger dashing from tree to tree. He is a NINJA, and leaps out from behind a giant pine. Within seconds he and casey are embroiled in an epic mock battle. hilarity ensues for a good 4 minutes. Casey eventually wins. hahahha. he says, "its not every day i get to save a fairy from a ninja attack!" the best part is, we have NO idea who this ninja was, and his identity will always remain a mystery! (casey doesnt' even go to school with us he just came into mt. vernon for the sober party) the party itself was a BLAST.

My building is soooo haunted. its awesome. what a haunted haunted haunted place. Totally haunted.

god i wish i didn't have to go to class right now!!!! afternoon class is so boring! I haven't the patience for spanish today! Ah well i'll be out by 2:45.


Wed 11/3/2004

yeah i was having a crappy day cause i did poorly on my spanish test.

I love you! HUG!
-----Original Message-----
From: David Besley []
Sent: Tue 11/2/2004 12:39 AM
To: Amy Moenning
Subject: ehug



Mon 11/8/2004
I figured this weekend my mind would be involved in having fun and enjoying BEING ON STAGE! and laughing about the misadventures of me Casey Heather and Julia el fin de semana pasada. Instead i spent a good portion of it crying about criticisms from closeminded uberchristians as they ask me to rationalize in their terms my own abstract and "contradictory" beliefs, in a fight with my best friend, and fighting back utter exhaustion. dont' get me wrong, my weekend was really fun and at times i laughed so hard i thought my insides were going to rip apart from lack of oxygen, but at times i was devestatingly upset and confused. i had a lot of thinking to do about what i believe and where my faith lies. i was upset that they couldn't respect my own beliefs just because they didn't agree or understand, especialy because i have so much respect for them and what they believe. i thought acceptance was a christian virtue and thus i was so confused by the reactions i recieved. i left worship group early (and to my regret crying) because i was so upset that this group that pretends to live an open loving christian life couldn't extend that love and acceptance to everyone. i'm sorry that i'm not explaining the whys of this situation to you, but i am simply too tired of the subject to retell the whole back story. god damn... live and let live people!

The play was amazing. we did a great job. we got a lot of reaction to it, some incredibly complimentary. and other people were really offended, (and thus above controversy) but its an experience i would NEVER trade away and actually has changed me, literally.

so what else did i do this weekend besides star in a play and have a christian identity crisis? I woke up at 7am on a SATURDAY to go to Perkins! I love perkins, but i must remember that i can never consume the "buttermilk 5" in its entirety. I always think i can. and i always fail. but in evergreen i had skyler to finish them for me. good times.

I also saw the incredibles! That is a great film by the by. Pure Hilarity. Good Job Pixar.

i need to go write my article for the newspaper now. i am so excited to be involved again. i tried writing for the cornellian att he beginning of the year but i didn't really like the news team. but recently this guy emailed me asking if i was interested in writing for the arts page of the paper, and i got to write a review of the tempest. i'm soooo excited cause i love the tempest. i love it. i love it. i love writing for the arts page already. and i was interviewing this guy named joe via email and he sent me the most amazing responses... i'm totally going to quote the heck out of him. he was amazing too. as was everyone cause i love the tempest.


Mon 11/15/2004
Okay friday was the most amazing swing night i've ever been to. I've already told you that but still. it was so great its still blowing my mind. I still can't believe how crazy david feldman gets. he is just a riot a minute and you NEVER know what he's gonna do! you think he's going in for a simple inside turn (ha, like feldman ever does the simple inside turn) and all of a sudden my feet aren't on the ground. its great. and i think i danced with EVERYONE that night. it was so awesome. swing is great.
K saturday i went over to rorem with friends to check out mark's single. his roommate got busted for something and got suspended for a year. anyway he has an awesome single now. On the way to dinner we were walking into the commons and a few people were all bundled up and ester and daniel were like "Hey aren't you coming with us?" speaking of the FCA bonfire hay rack ride thing. so we decided last minute to join them! it was great. we rode down with daniel and he and david C were HILARIOUS in the car. but then again they're always hilarious. i dare say they're some of the funniest people i know. We get to this barn and we roast hot dogs and make smores and eat chile and drink hot chocolate! and i got to know a lot of people that i had previously only known the names of, if even that. the hay ride was a blast. i laughed so hard that night with my new buddies. and i learned to juggle embers!


Mon 11/22/2004
I am in a fantastic mood because i just got back from my first world religion class, and it was absolutely FASCINATING. this class is going to blow my mind. I'm so pleased. Its going to be really hard and the prof is tough and its going to kick my ass and i might not get an A but i do NOT care i can't wait. i freakin love learning.


Mon 11/22/2004
i had a great weekend. I went to bettendorf with Julia and heather. We stayed at Julia's house and shopped in the quad cities and made cool t-shirts and went to a christmas festival and went out for fondue dinner, and it was all delicious.

I love christmas lights more than i can possibly say! they are incredibly magical! I love them so much

Then we went on friday to luke's house (The 4th floor RA in rorem the boys dorm) and we went with 9 other people. i can't believe we fit 8 guys and 4 girls in his hot tub. it was great. we went bowling and hot tubbing and played video games and played with his doggie and slept in his basement. he also showed off all his corvettes and drove them super fast.

Then saturday we went back to bettendorf, but just me and Julia, and we played with Casey! he has this amazingly gigantic dog and we played more video games, and i met a bunch of Julia's friends from back home. I felt kind of left out when they were all talking about debate and stuff i wasn't a part of and i think casey knew that so he showed me his germany pics instead. yay! then we made him go shoppping with us. poor boy. Julia's mommy made yummy cuban food that night and i got to play with this cool R2D2 robot.

then we came back to cornell sunday morning and i RESTED cause i was exhausted from my weekend!


Ok that's through most of November. That's quite enough for now. More Freshman Year Later!

friends, bettendorf, swing, dancing, sodexho, theatre, casey, cornell, diary, holiday, block break

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