"and in the sky the larks still bravely singing fly"

Mar 07, 2007 12:55

It's absurd to have a conversation about hazing with a bunch of affiliated people. Greek Council, seriously, what a worthless meeting today. I knew everything that was going to be said before I went in there, and knew that nothing constructive would get done. My favorite proposed solution was to let groups police themselves: "We need to trust ourselves to act like mature responsible adults!" Yeah, because that system works so well. And if you really were mature and responsible, this shit wouldn't happen and we wouldn't have to have this worthless meeting. They also said that pledges choose and want to go through pledging/hazing, and if they felt that they were being treated badly they could report it. WOw, bullshit. My favorite comment was Julia's about how maybe the pledges are all masochists and want/enjoy being paddled by their friends, but that Cornell College shouldn't be sponsoring that. I think I need to learn to keep my reactions (rolling my eyes, making a "yeah right" face or a "wtf" face) down a bit though. I don't think they're bad, but I shouldn't be so blatent. My second favorite comment was from Nick: "They're always going to think badly of us and despise us and there's nothing we can ever do to change that!"

Greek Council - the lies, the ambiguity, the apathy... it's always shocking and entertaining. Way to deserve your crappy reputation.

Anyway, enough of that negativity. Moving onto MY life - Linguistics.

Last night I had a prospective student, so I worked ahead on my homework Monday night and did a fair amount of it right after class on Tuesday. Despite this, I still spent at the VERY least a collective Seven hours working on my homework throughout the day, finally fighting back tears of frustration and giving up for sleep at 3am.
I got through half of it.

I was so upset and worried about this class, but Casey told me I was going to do great anyway and that I was being ridiculous getting so upset about it because the point of this class was to learn something I'm genuinely interested in. That made me feel better and reminded me why I was in the class in the first place. Then in the morning I pouted to Julia about it and she sympathized and reminded me that she often can't complete her homework assignments in physics and might just be a class like that. She said its probable that most of the class couldn't do it either last night, and that the professor would go over it and explain in class. She was absolutely right.

When I got to class I learned that not a single person got more than halfway through, and I was an "overachiever!" for even getting that far, and that almost every student in class had emailed her last night freaking out and upset. Even Jason, who has taken several other phonetics and phonology classes couldn't do the second half at all either. EVeryone spent 5-7 hours on the first half of it. Lisa understood, and we changed the syllabus, and I'm happy/excited about the class again, instead of frustrated/confused/on-the-verge-of-tears. Jason, Paul, Lauren and I are going to get close this block; I can tell. Jason winked at me and it made me feel cool.

Dancing was SO fun/funny last night. I have missed going. I like dancing with Josiah, Tristan, and David, but each for different reasons. Josiah is just getting really good, Tristan just has a lot of FUN with what he's doing and making stuff up, and David is so amusing and creative that dancing with him is a constant surprise.

casey, linguistics, social groups, swing, stress

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