Mar 07, 2007 13:29

The Newberry Library is offering two paid internships for advanced undergraduates in the liberal arts. During the summer of 2007, interns will work 35 hours/week with senior Newberry staff members on one of the projects listed below. The internships last ten weeks and are open to students who will be between their junior and senior years in the summer of 2007. The stipend is $2,500, with up to $2,500 in reimbursable housing costs.

The Department of Collection Development will employ interns with some knowledge of Latin to work with the Newberry's outstanding collection of incunables (books printed before 1501). Interns will record (following a formal paradigm) copy-specific features including illuminations, bindings, manuscript fragments used in bindings, and manuscript annotations of various sorts ranging from rubrication and reader's notes to textual emendations and leaf numberings. Interns will focus either on a specific author (Terence, Persius and Livy for example) or a specific printer or city (Venice for example). This internship offers an opportunity to gain hands-on experience for a student interested in an eventual academic career in history, art history, or classical or modern languages.

AH! I'm applying. I don't even care that I'd be away from home the WHOLE summer. I have to at least TRY for that.
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