FIC: Limonata. 022. Writer’s Choice (Lemonade). Octavian/Julius.

Feb 23, 2008 14:56

Title: Limonata
Author/Artist: goddess_of_rome
Character/Pairing: Octavian/Julius
Disclaimer: Don’t own anything but OCs
Prompt Table: One
Prompt: 022. Writer’s Choice (Lemonade)
Rating: PG
Warnings: MPREG
Word Count: 138
Author’s Notes: Not historically accurate at all.

Julius curled up into a ball on his bed and moaned. Octavian heard him and sat down.

“What is the matter?” he asked.

“I don’t feel well.”

Octavian stroked Julius’ back. “What have you had today?”

“Bananas, apples, bread, cheese, and things like that.”

“What did you drink?”

“Water, juice, and some of that lemonade.”

Octavian sighed. “You know the healers said to stay away from acidic fruits.”

“But it had sugar in it,” Julius protested.

“That does not matter, you silly boy.”

Julius whimpered and curled up more.

“What am I to do with you?” asked Octavian.

“Take care of me?”

Octavian leaned down and kissed Julius forehead. “I always do. I will return with something to settle your stomach.”

“Thank you,” Julius whispered.

“There is no need to thank me. I will always watch after you.”

hs: jc octavianus/jr gracchus 1

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