FIC: Mela. 021. Writer’s Choice (Apple). Octavian/Julius.

Feb 22, 2008 13:06

Title: Mela
Author/Artist: goddess_of_rome
Character/Pairing: Octavian/Julius
Disclaimer: Don’t own anything but OCs
Prompt Table: One
Prompt: 021. Writer’s Choice (Apple)
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Word Count: 142
Author’s Notes: Not historically accurate at all.

Julius found Octavian in one of the courtyards munching on an apple.

“Octavian!” he cried. “Master Caesar has been looking for you everywhere!

Octavian shrugged. “I do not really want to go to a council meeting.”

“But, it’s your duty!”

Octavian laughed and pulled Julius into his lap. “Julius, nothing is my duty yet. Father is preparing me for just in case.”

“Just in case of what?”

“Who knows? Father is always twelve steps ahead of everyone else.”

“That’s true.”

Octavian held out the apple. “Here have some.”

“I couldn’t! That’s from the royal storehouse.”

“Are you not a royal?”


“You should be. Just have one bite. I will not tell anyone.”

Julius looked all around and took a bite of the apple. “It’s very good,” he mumbled.

“I’m glad you think so.”

Octavian put the apple down and kissed Julius.

hs: jc octavianus/jr gracchus 1

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