FIC: Carota. 023. Writer’s Choice (Carrot(s)). Octavian/Julius.

Feb 24, 2008 22:31

Title: Carota
Author/Artist: goddess_of_rome
Character/Pairing: Octavian/Julius
Disclaimer: Don’t own anything but OCs
Prompt Table: One
Prompt: 023. Writer’s Choice (Carrot(s))
Rating: PG
Warnings: MPREG
Word Count: 149
Author’s Notes: Not historically accurate at all.

Julius sat in the kitchen and dipped the carrot he held into the jar of peanut butter Diana had left out. He looked at it and then took a bite. It’s so good! he thought. He did it again. He never heard Octavian come up behind him until he spoke.

“By the gods! What are you doing?” Octavian asked.

“Eating,” replied Julius.

“What?” Octavian looked disgusted by the thought of carrots and peanut butter. Julius didn’t care, it was good.

“You can see, can’t you?”

“Julius,” Octavian sighed.

Julius looked down and said, “I’m sorry. But I’m sick of you always asking what I’m eating! I have these cravings. I can’t help them.”

Octavian hugged the younger boy. “I know that. I have to get used to it as well.”

“Yes you do,” Julius sniffed. “It won’t stop any time soon.”

“We will work it out. We always do.”

hs: jc octavianus/jr gracchus 1

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