I need some help!

Feb 12, 2007 09:38

My 21 month old daughter keeps hitting people and throwing things when she gets mad.

How can I discipline my daughter without her thinking hitting is okay. I feel that how can I tell her not to hit when I spank her when she hits. Now she is going around hitting her brothers when she gets mad at them or they do something she doesnt want them to do.

She is also going around throwing things when she is mad. Or when I tell her she cant hanve something she throws it at me or across the room.

Steve (her step dad) said to put her in her room in the playpen so she can see all the things she could be playing with but cant since she is in trouble. So, I tried that this morning but then she throw things at the wall and started screaming VERY LOUD!!

And I have a 5 month old that she wakes up everytime she gets mad by SCREAMING!!!

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